The soon to be asked question. One which will be asked immediately following the 2018 legislative elections. Can an independent be elected President in 2020?
I say yes. Matters are rapidly fomenting in this country. Matters which will send throngs of people to the polls to vote for the independent candidate. The perceived need for change which elected Trump will be the motivation. Except the people will not make the mistake of electing a Trump this time.
Independents and third party candidates have failed in the modern era. Money and organization the reason. Not an issue this time. In the drive to elect an independent in 2020, money will back the independent. From rich and poor alike. Organization will follow. Money for computers and staff will assure organization.
Political organizations have not been forever in the United States. Parties have come and gone. We are at the stage not only where an independent can be elected President, but also where one of the present day major parties could die.
Our first President George Washington was an independent. He was elected twice. There were no political parties when he ran. Our Founding Fathers failed to address the issue in the Constitution. The reason simple. There were no voter based political parties in the 1780’s into the early 1790’s in the United States. In fact, there had never been any at any time in the history of the world.
Political parties first came into being in 1792 in the United States. They continue to this day. There have always been two major parties. Minor ones also. The major parties changed names, philosophies, and membership along the way. Several times.
Statistically, 42 percent of Americans are independents. Twenty nine percent Democrats. Twenty six percent Republicans. Independents continue to increase in numbers. Four in ten voters do not want a political party. Blacks are going independent.
Most importantly, the people continue to be pissed off. This time however, organized.
The anti-gun groups, Women’s March supporters, March for Truth, Black Lives Matter, other black groups, and the millennials will make the difference. They are already organizing. Together. To defeat Republicans in 2018. If they hang together, they can elect an independent in 2020.
Governor John Kasich of Ohio is prominently discussed. Joe Scarborough quietly. He became an independent with Trump’s candidacy. There will be others.
A leader in the money end of the movement will be former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg. A person of financial substance with friends equally well heeled.
If an independent is elected, I predict the Republican Party’s demise will be on its way. Though in power in recent years, they are are diminishing in number and influence. Other major parties have come and gone in the past 226 years. Today’s Republican Party is no different.
Change! Big time! On its way!