An unavoidable accident.
Buzz Aldrin pissed in his boot when he set foot on the moon.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first two humans to set foot and walk on the moon. Teammates, Armstrong stepped onto the moon first followed by Aldrin.
Aldrin had an “accident” which pretty much caused him to piss himself the moment he set foot on the moon.
There was a “configuration” for the astronauts to pee during the flight and on the moon: A condom connected by a tube to a bag that would be emptied into a tank.
A problem occurred at the time of the landing. Armstrong was landing the module. The module’s legs were designed to crumble on impact. Armstrong landed the module too softly to trigger the compress mechanic. Ergo, the astronauts landed way higher from the moon’s surface than they were supposed to. The last step became a longer than planned last jump down. The small step became a long one. Aldrin’s condom tube system broke. He “pissed” his pants. The built up urine in the condom ran down into one of his boots.
Which means Aldrin did his historic moon walk “sloshing around in a boot full of his own pee.”
So what? I’m sure it did not negate the thrill of the occasion for Aldrin.
The Olympic Parade took place in the rain. Heavy rain. Participants and spectators soaked.
Once the center of Parisian fashion, duels and prostitution. Today’s Olympic tennis site is the 19th century Bois de Boulogne. At one time, a vast pleasure garden for men and women. The heart of 19th century Paris society – and sin.
A bit of politics.
Vance speaks with a twisted tongue. Typical Trumpie. He said yesterday: “I’ve got nothing against cats. I’ve got nothing against dogs.”
What about childless women?
An article by Eric Lutz in yesterday’s Vanity Fair was titled: “J.D. Vance Is About As Flat As A Day-Old Diet Mountain Dew.” The article’s opening line: “Notably heavy on cruelty and light on charisma, Donald Trump’s running mate is already giving Republican buyers remorse as they reckon with a more daunting Democratic ticket.”
Ho, ho, Donald! You did good in picking Vance!
Trump speaks well of Harris. Called her a “bum” yesterday.
What many Americans have become. Violent thug types. Created by and in the image of Donald Trump. Patrick Byrne is a former CEO of Overstock. A Colorado person. Colorado the place where a criminal case against a former Colorado election official is scheduled to go to trial next week. A woman. The charge tampering with election equipment.
Byrne funded efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election.
Thursday evening, he participated in a nearly 3 hour event on X Space. He made comments in support of the former election employee going to trial next week. He said 6 times that unless law enforcement dropped the case, it would face “a piano wire and a blow torch.” In effect, he threatened death.
Would you believe? Is this what we have come to? Is this where we are going?
Must stop!!!
The next day, Byrne backtracked the statements. Claimed he had been speaking metaphorically and is committed to peace.
Moving on.
In 1926, there were no laws making it illegal to steal an airplane. It took someone to do it to make the government realize stealing a plane was not a crime.
The “thief” was William McBoyle. All the facts leading up to the theft unimportant. Boyle was responsible for an airplane being stolen from its manufacturer. After several months, he was arrested and charged by federal authorities for stealing a “vehicle.” There was no law specifically covering airplane theft at the time.
The U.S. Supreme Court in McBoyle v. United States threw the case out holding in effect an airplane was not a vehicle, vehicles were intended to run on land and an airplane was not.
I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that new car prices were up, sales down, and dealers hurting. Auto stocks are dropping dramatically. Ford has dropped 18.4 percent, its worse drop since 2008.
Square watermelons the latest!
Round watermelons have always been difficult to refrigerate because of their size. Japanese farmers are growing square ones to make it easier for consumers.
Tempered glass molds are used. They are attached to the melons while the fruit matures on the vine. Japanese consumers are thrilled! A space saver and conversation starter at any gathering.
Some Key West.
Yellow fever the COVID of yesterday. On this day in 1864, Admiral Theodore Bailey, flag officer commanding a Squadron at Key West wrote: “My worst fears have been more than realized, and for more than two months yellow fever has held its course without abatement… has been raging at this point with a violence that has exceeded that of 1862, or I believe any previous year.”
The hurricane season is heating up. Tropical waves are moving off the African coast.
A big bunch.
Beryl came early, did a big number and left. Since Beryl, there has been a hurricane pause. Roughly 3 weeks. More are coming, however. Meteorologists say sooner than later.
The heat an abomination. I do not know whether it is my age, the recent heart surgeries or it’s just plain hot! First time in my life the heat has bothered me.
Enjoy your day!
…and trump, not to be out done by a mere astronaut, had a Russian hooker pee on him!
JD Vance is an inadvertent gift presented on a silver platter for the Democratic Party. Harris2024.
JD Vance is only the latest “gift” to Democrats. There are several others, including Trump.
Thing is Americans aren’t what they used to be and those “gifts” are what Americans seem to want.
We shall see, they didn’t want him in 2020 and that is a good sign.