There but for the grace of God go I…..
Change the I to we.
A post Isaac thought.
It could have been Key West and the Florida keys rather than Louisiana and other Gulf areas.
I walked in the morning. Immediately after finishing my blog. A start.
Manicure time. Tammy time. I enjoyed her company once again.
Spent part of the day fine tuning this morning’s internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Many topics of interest to be discussed. Join me. Ten in the morning my time. World wide.
Bocce last night! We lost 2 out of 3 games. Not a good evening. The first game was a close one. Could have gone either way. The second game was decidedly theirs. We killed them in the third game. Our pride was at stake!
It was a pleasant evening to play. The sun set soon after starting. There was a cool breeze off the ocean. It made for a comfortable time.
Full moon tonight. Almost full last night. The crazies will be out in force.
The Republican convention instead of Don’s Place after bocce. Romney did well. It is going to be a stormy Presidential race.
Have to hustle. Got up late. The Republicans kept me up last night.
Enjoy your day!