Bocce parties are like bowling banquets. Only less formal and more fun.
Last night was our small five team competitive group’s get together. Always an enjoyable evening.
The thought occurred last night that I have known many at the party for years. Some as many as 15 years. We are the same kids today that we were back then. As far as bocce is concerned, none of us grew up. Perpetual youth.
Awards were given. Larry Smith’s team came in first. Clare got the best cheerleader/most improved award. Don the screw up award for a shot that lost our team first place in the 5 team group and #2 in the thursday night league.
David played his part last night. Excellent as usual.
I sat with Tom, Nicky, Dan, Betty, Jennifer and Larry Smith most of the evening. Tom and Nicky and Dan and Betty return home in a few days. Not to return till october.
Stopped at Lori’s for a haircut at noon. My appointment was for yesterday. The girl put it in the book for next thursday. I try again today.
The foul up was no problem. The Cuban Coffee Queen is around the corner. I stopped in for lunch.
A doctor’s appointment at 1. To check the area where things were cut off my head and face two weeks ago.
My KONK Life column this week has to do with bees. Bees as used in warfare. As far back as cave man days.
The column published wednesday. This morning it appears in KONK E-Blast. It was also linked to my Key West Lou website.
The last two weeks, Guy deBoer has run in E-Blast a pic of me taken 4 years ago in Greece. On Amorogos, my favorite place. The photo reminds me of how relaxed and laid back I was when there.
Back to younger days? A recent study indicates pot smoking today is highest in the over 55 group. The study contained a picture of grandma lighting up.
Enjoy your day!
Grandma doesn’t necessarily have to be 55. [smiley face]
As ardent an antismoker as I have always been, recent test results have changed my mind. If ya got ’em, smoke ’em.
Cuban Coffee Queen, which one ? I’m thinking Key Lime
Key Lime. Tables are provided. I can sit and read. Sun blocked out.