Alberto moving slowly. As tropical storms are wont to do. A baby crawl best describes its speed.

Soon baby Alberto will walk. He is moving north into the Gulf of Mexico. The waters are warmer. The heat will intensify him.

Alberto’s speed is presently 40 mph. The winds will move more swiftly. How fast will determine whether Alberto turns into a hurricane.

Alabama, Florida and Mississippi are getting ready. Emergency alerts of varying degrees. Florida’s Gov. Scott not screwing around. He has already declared a State of Emergency for all of Florida’s 67 counties.

Scott is deserving of credit. He did an admirable job with Irma. He has things down. Preparedness is the key. Florida will be prepared if Alberto becomes a disaster.

All of Florida has been warned to definitely expect torrential rain and the flooding that will accompany it.

Spent several hours yesterday morning writing next week’s KONK Life column. Nothing like getting ready early.

The title is The FBI of Today The Jews of Yesterday. An interesting analysis.

Dinner at Donna and Terri’s last night. Donna an outstanding cook! Pot roast juicy and tender. A pleasant evening.

Bear went crazy when I arrived. Donna and Terri said he does it with no one else. Donna claims he remembers me because I was one of the first persons he met when he arrived. I also frequently bring him toys and little goodies to eat. Probably bought his love.

When Bear arrived from Detroit, he was small. A little more than a handful. Now five months old. Has he grown! Huge! And still growing!

He was all over me wanting to play for about an hour before dinner. Fortunately, he then tired.

Another attempted rip-off job by a Duval Street cosmetic store. Tesor Rare.

A 70 year old woman from Kansas was staying at Curry Mansion. The Mansion’s manager Phil Armstrong saw her returning with a young man carrying two bags full of cosmetics. He stopped and questioned them. Turned out the woman had purchased $3,010 of cosmetics.

She told Armstrong she was not happy with the purchase. He immediately called the police and took her back to the store. The police officer briefly talked with the store’s employees and the $3,010 was returned.

Last week, Key West’s volunteer citizens’ group Rip-Off Rapid Response Team was instrumental in getting one of the cosmetic stores to return $9,000 to an elderly customer similarly ripped off.

The Curry Mansion woman had booked into Curry Mansion for 10 days. She left the next morning after only two days.

Besides being detrimental to tourists, the cosmetic shops are not helping Key West’s reputation. The rip-offs are signs to many that they should avoid our City.

The authorities have to get involved in the problem. Deeply. Why they have not, I am uncertain. Is it the rents these stores pay to owners that keeps them free from local oversight?

I recall some 15 years ago, a swingers club opened in Bahama Village. The local authorities were not happy with the business. Codes got involved. Violations significant. Existed, not made up. The swingers club closed.

What about the cosmetic stores? Anyone who would cheat the elderly might certainly be prone to cheating the community when in the process of renovating/preparing the store for occupancy.

It is time to deal with this cancer that has infected Duval Street.

Memorial Day Weekend. Tomorrow actually Memorial Day. Also known as Decoration Day. A federal holiday. Celebrated the last Monday of May each year.

The purpose of the Day is to remember those who died while serving in the armed forces of our country.

I know of two ceremonies tomorrow morning. One at the Maine portion of the Cemetery at 9. The other at 10 at Bayview Park.

I do not believe there is a parade. I have checked and thus far found nothing scheduled.

A lot of cook outs on Memorial Day. Hamburgers one of the items barbecued.

The national quick food chains are into the celebration. Tomorrow is also National Burger Day. If no cook out to attend, go to one of the chains. All type sales.

Burger King, McDonald’s and Wendy’s participating in National Burger Day. The best deal is if you have one of their apps. Even without, lesser deals available inside.

Can FOX News be a perpetrator of Fake News? Yes, though inadvertently re the following. Matt Gaetz is a member of the U. S. House of Representatives. A male. FOX News identified him as a Florida Congresswoman. Mistakenly, of course.

Everyone makes mistakes. No one should jump on FOX’s back for its error. Trump should react similarly when the media makes an inadvertent error as concerns him.

Laugh it off, Donald! You take yourself too seriously.

Enjoy your Sunday!




    • Oh yeah, Trump is a weinie. I remember when past presidents got NK to agree to talk about them getting rid of their nuclear weapons…..Wait….my bad, only Trump has forced their hand in this direction.

      However this talk process turns out, all previous administrations have ever been able to do is give NK more money and helped further their nuclear ambitions.

      • Trump IS a weinie, he, no one else, canceled the meeting. Chickened out after he realized he’d made a bad deal.

        How ever this all turns out, we’ll be lucky to get back to a point where we have effective peace and all it cost was a few bucks. Those past deals actually worked out. Unlike a few others we can look at (Israel?) where we spend a lot of money and there is still constant serious armed conflict.

        • Trump played Kim just right by canceling. It brought Kim back to wanting to meet instead of making threats. Where are we today?….back to meeting with NK.

          What worked out about past deals? NK is now a bigger threat than they ever were. Incrementally, they have used the money we sent them, to fund their program.

          Israel is surrounded by people who want to exterminate them. They are only still a country because of our support. If not for the US, Israel would disappear (unless you think that is a good thing).

          Do you even use common sense at all?

          • I’ll put this in terms that even you can understand. A child is told he gets to go to DisneyWorld, if she behaves. She then starts acting up, (making threats). The parent (Trump) says, Fine…we won’t go to DisneyWorld. Immediately the child knows she screwed up and promises to behave. So the DisneyWorld trip is back on.

            There I fixed it for you so you understand deal making with a child.

        • I’ll put this in terms that you can understand. A child is told he gets to go to DisneyWorld, if he behaves. He then starts acting up, (making threats). The parent (Trump) says, Fine…we won’t go to DisneyWorld. Immediately the child knows he screwed up and promises to behave. So the DisneyWorld trip is back on.

          There I fixed it for you so you understand deal making with a child.

  1. I’ll put this in terms that you can understand. A child is told he gets to go to DisneyWorld, if he behaves. He then starts acting up, (making threats). The parent (Trump) says, Fine…we won’t go to DisneyWorld. Immediately the child knows he screwed up and promises to behave. So the DisneyWorld trip is back on.

    There I fixed it for you so you understand deal making with a child.

  2. I’ll put this in terms that you can understand. A child is told he gets to go to DisneyWorld, if he behaves. He then starts acting up, (making threats). The parent (Trump) says, Fine…we won’t go to DisneyWorld. Immediately the child knows he screwed up and promises to behave. So the DisneyWorld trip is back on.

    There I fixed it for you so you understand deal making with a child.

  3. Sorry to disappoint, or, make you happy depending ,,,,

    I do not post under any name but my own. Never have, never will.

    I would say the one posting such a statement and that posted the same post repeatedly needs more meds.

    • Patrick,

      My post was repeated several times without my action or intention. Don’t know why it repeated so many times, or why it even repeated once. I have not had this issue before while posting on this website.

  4. I agree, Lou, it is very troubling key west officials are not getting involved with the scams being pulled. There is plenty of money to be made above board and abuse of the elderly -unchecked- be detrimental to KW.

  5. I agree, Lou, it is very troubling key west officials are not getting involved with the scams being pulled. There is plenty of money to be made above board and abuse of the elderly -unchecked- will be detrimental to KW.

  6. Modern story. Parents tell child they will take him to Disney Park if he behaves. Child behaves worse than ever and parents take him to Disney park anyway while telling him how wonderful and special he is and how much they love him no matter what. Grandma tells him how special and great he is and she loves him no matter what and pays for the trip.

    • Wow, was that from the book “Trump, the early years”, by Fred and Mary Anne Trump. No wonder he’s a problem now. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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