The Senate is going to be a sight to behold. The Republicans will win the battle over Justice Ginsburg’s replacement. They will smile over their glorious victory.

I recommend they smile as long as they can. Their victory will also be Custer’s Last Stand for them. I am assuming the Democrats will flip the Senate in November. They will then be the party in power and if they remain so, it will be a long time before a Republican conservative makes it to the high Court.

Trump wants to rewrite history. Disgusting! Repulsive! Truth is truth. Good, bad or indifferent. It must never be doctored or rewritten.

Trump signed an Executive Order on September 17 establishing the “1776 Commission.” Its purpose will be to “promote patriotic education.”

Trump claims such action is needed because “the left has warped, distorted, and defiled the American story.”

So wrong. History is history. Whether we agree with it or not. It is as things happened.

What Trump wants to do is marry ignorance and bigotry. Thereby rewriting history to tell the American story as he believes it, at the same time taking a good whack at the blacks protesting against him.

Actually, his game plan is to solidify and satisfy his white American base.

Trump preaches we have lost being the “most exceptional nation” in the world. I agree. The result of 4 years of Trump’s Presidency.

Rewritten history is a myth. Eventually, it becomes fact.

Redoing history is the result of a sick mind.

Key West’s Catholic Church is St. Mary Star of the Sea on Truman. A lovely edifice. Not big, not small. Just right as the saying goes.

St. Mary’s has the feeling of a tropical church.

St. Mary’s was not always on Truman. Originally, on Duval. The Duval site was destroyed by fire on 9/20/1901.

The Church was totally destroyed. Key West ran out of water. The water main for fighting fires was under repair causing a lack of water.

I read somewhere this morning that a visitor to Key West this past week found it to be a ghost town. No dancing, no crowds, no cruise ships. The bars mostly empty, save for the cardboard customers who were there to enforce social distancing.

Something the visitor forgot to mention. No masks! Less than half of the visitors bother to wear them.

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Key West is often a Ghost Town this time of year, especially in an active hurricane period. It was often said that most businesses take August and September off. Nothing restarted uunt\i; about Fantasay Fest time.

  2. Hopefully, there will be a handful of senators who will be against an appointment, and if the dems can delay until Nov 30, if Kelly wins in Az, that could be the key to stopping any appointment until after the Jan. installation !!!!!!

  3. I agree with Lou’s concern. Remember the old cowboy movies where someone puts his ear to one of the rails on the railroad track? Then he announces that the train is approaching?

    It’s happening today. The train is coming. Only this time the approaching train will be a perfect storm of election irregularities, accusations of fraud, mail-in ballot complaints, charges of criminal activities against both Trump and the Biden campaign, a dysfunctional Electoral College, a bitter Supreme Court confirmation battle, and unprecedented anger and hatred between the political parties which will spread to our city streets and neighborhoods. Add to all of that more lawyers and judges than we ever knew existed.

    This train will not just be coming through. It’s heading for a huge train wreck right here. Are you ready for the ensuing chaos?

    I’m not good a making predictions, so maybe none of the above will occur. For now it’s just my opinion as a comment on Lou’s topic today.

  4. Breyer will die next. Then they’ll be a 7-2 conservative SCOTUS. (I love the sounds of the midget minds of liberals exploding.). #MAGA. !! Trump 2024.

  5. n attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Azzange has revealed in a London courtroom that her client was offered a presidential pardon by allies of President Donald Trump — as long as he could somehow “resolve” Kremlin links to the hacking of Democratic Party emails during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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