Good morning!
It is around 8 in the morning. I am sitting on my deck over looking the water while doing the blog this morning.
God is good!
Radio show tomorrow morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
I have been unavailable the past two weeks. My shows have been reruns. Tomorrow I am back live.
Listen in! Watch! A great show!
Going to discuss things like the failure of the bare breast confrontation in Key West, Illinois new law requiring testing of all rape kits, restrictions on the right to pray in the military, the delayed stoning of an Iranian woman, Dr. Mudd revisited, a decision by Great Britain providing asylum for gay people facing prosecution in their home countries, a federal court decision protecting free speech, the first Guantanamo detainee to face trial in a U.S. civilian court, a gay mariage litigation update, France’s burqa ban, legislation saving Wall Street while Main Street is dying, and more. The more of course includes the weird dumb laws of a particular state and the weird dumb lawsuit of the week.
Much on the plate! A lot to be discussed. A swift moving hard hitting program.
Listen in at KONK 1500 AM radio. Watch and listen on the internet world wide at Just go to ustream and type in KONK.
Golf was terrific yesterday! I am killing the ball! Never have I hit it better. Even my pitch shots to the green. Putting still a problem. However it was better yesterday.
I played with Larry and Yankee Jack. I was the big winner. All of $2! Cost me $7 for drinks. I could care less.
We ran into a scramble tournament and were delayed. So we replayed 2 holes. Fritz joined us for those two holes. Fritz plays and sings evenings at the Ocean Key Pier at sunset. He is an excellent golfer. Shoots in the 70s.
The conversation centered on Evan. Evan is an eight grader here in Key West. He also is an extremely fine golfer. Probably has a professional future. But he is still young. About 13 years old.
He played with Fritz the other day. Evan bogeyed the first hole and ended up shooting a 67. That’s WOW golf!
Larry said he used to play with Evan a couple of years ago. Larry generally shoots in the 80s. Evan would give Larry a stroke a hole and beat him.
The Tiger Woods of tomorrow lives in Key West!
I stopped in the Chart Room last night. I was the only customer. Just me and Susan. Susan is the new bartender. She has been there about two months.
Susan is from South Carolina. A charming individual. She came down to Key West for 2 nights New Years Eve. Was so impressed with the island, she stayed two weeks. Then went home, closed down her life there and returned to Key West.
Welcome Susan! You are a pleasant addition to our island!
I dined alone last night. At the bar at Outback. It was quiet. Read the papers. Greg and Kristen working.
Greg is a good guy. We have become friends. He was also working lunches at the Shrimp Shack on Stock Island. He sadly advised me the Shrimp Shack has closed. Maybe for good. I thought perhaps just for the summer. Turns out the fresh fish store in front moved across the bay. The Shrimp Shack was not part of the retail store. Ergo, it had to close.
A good eating place down the tubes.
Lisa telephoned last night all excited. Her internet department store Via Key West is having a big week. The two big sellers are the Key West bunt cake and books about Key West. And Yankee Jack CDs.
Go Lisa!
Enjoy your day!