Good morning!
I am writing today’s blog late. My computer still on the blink. I am at Lisa’s using hers.
Golf yesterday was terrific! I am hitting the ball! Long off the tee!
I played with Larry Smith. I even out drove him on occasion. And he hits the ball real long!
My short game sucked. My putting was non existent. I did not drop one putt yesterday. But I am happy. It will all come around. The golfer’s dream!
I played with the monday group. Larry, Chuck, Mark and Mike. All good guys. All good golfers.
I only lost $2.
Sunday I got a manicure. Tammy is my manicurist. She is a young Vietnamese lady. Married to a Vietnamese gentleman. They have 2 young children. Three and younger.
Tammy came to the United States 8 years ago. She went to work as a manicurist. Met her husband at her place of employment. They married.
Last year Tammy and her husband bought the business. They work hard at it. Employ many people. Stay open 7 days a week.
They have become Americanized. The proof of the pudding was sunday when Tammy told me she now has a live in nanny to watch the kids.
Only in America!
Corey has been away for 10 days. Up in Key Largo. Diving to find artifacts and perhaps bodies from the slave ship Guerrero. The Guerrero went down in 1827 near what is presently Key Largo.
Corey returned last night. He is black. From diving for 10 days. The water was not deep where the ship went down. Only 10-12 feet. So the sun was constantly on him.
He described the wreck as an unlikely one. Parts of the boat were strewn several hundred feet in every direction. No actual large boat parts remained. Only small remnants. Like nails, ballasts, pieces of pottery, glass bottles, a piece of wood from the ship itself and cannonballs.
No bodies. No bones.
A British ship had been pursuing the Guerrero. The British ship got stuck on a reef. In order to get off the reef, it threw many things overboard to lighten the ship. Corey said they also found some items from the British ship.
My evening started at the Chart Room last night. Che, Captain Peter and Michael in attendance. And others.
Che is a student of history. We spent well over an hour discussing all sorts of historical matter. Che knows his stuff!
Then it was to La Trattoria for me. Glad I went.
Jean Thornton was there. With Gail Miller.
Jean is one of the golden girls. She is from Indiana. About 15 years ago she was vacationing in Key West and dove with Mel Fisher himself. She personally discovered gold and emeralds on her dive.
Changed her life! Now she spends as much time as possible here diving.
A terrific woman! One of the best! I am happy to call her friend. And lest I forget, Gail is a good person too and I am pleased to have her as a friend also.
They both jumped up and hugged and kissed me when I arrived at La Trattoria. We ate at the bar and had a terrific time. Kathy was bartending. Always good to see her.
Met a new lady last night. Gallo. Kathy introduced me. Gallo already knew Jean and Gail.
Becha was there, of course. A kiss and a hug. Jean told her to marry me. Not a bad idea. I am joking, of course. Well, maybe not. Ho, ho.
My upstairs air conditioning went late yesterday afternoon. No help available till this morning. Hope they are at my home now.
It was a boiler room upstairs. I slept downstairs in the parlor on a couch last night. Not the same as a bed. But better than the intolerable heat upstairs.
Enjoy your day!