Today is the day!

Radio show time!

The Key West Lou Legal Hour!

10 am. KONK 1500 AM radio in the Florida keys and Cuba.

The show also can be seen as well as heard on the internet. With a change from previous weeks. There is a new internet address.

The visual portion of the KONK radio is under readjustment. Means a new way.

Stat with Then go to the top right corner of the screen and type in konk in the SEARCH box. The station will appear with several others. Click on the KONK picture. Voila! KONK will be there! I will be there!

The show today will report on many interesting topics. First and foremost is the Gulf oil spill. I will be discussing several different aspects of it from a legal perspective.

Then some issues like Presidential power, Mississippi weird dumb laws, the minie ball pregnanacy, the school concession stand, the weird lawsuit of the week involving a cell phone, a walk down memory lane with Abraham Lincoln, additional comments on the new Arizona immigration law and more.

Hope you can join me!

I am up early today. Sun just rising. Great weather! Makes for terrific days!

Yesterday started with a walk along Smathers Beach. Amazing how many people were out in the early morning doing the same thing.

Then over to the Coffee House. Read the morning papers.

I spent the day at home. Laying by the pool. Occasionally napping. Lazy.

The humidity was and is heavy. It is that time of the year. It tires you out even when you are doing nothing.

Dinner was at the bar at Outback last night. I am trying to watch it. A chicken ceasar salad.

It was still early after dinner. So I stopped at Lisa’s on the way home. The whole family was there. The grandkids hid on me. They cannot fool me, however. They are easy to find. They giggle loudly giving away their hiding places.

Robert and Ally took me into the yard. They wanted to show me how they are doing at golf. Both swung small clubs. They were hitting, or rather trying to hit, plastic balls.

Robert makes contact. A big deal! He is so excited!

Ally swings like hell. Has a lovely round arc. But rarely hits the ball. When she achieves the hand to ball coordination, she is going to knock the ball into the next yard. She has the swing.

Then it was home to bed.

Enjoy your day! And don’t forget to tune into the radio show!

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