There once was a book The World According to Garp. Made into a movie. I do not recall any of the details of it.

This blog is the world according to Louis. Nothing special. Just my every day life and thoughts in Key West. Hope you enjoy it.

Radio show this morning! 10 am. KONK 1500 AM. Better still on the internet at where you can see as well as hear.

A good fast moving show this morning. Exciting topics. Some not so exciting. But informative. Things you may not have been aware of.

Listen in!

Baby sat again yesterday. Robert was still sick. He slept most of the day. I saw a major improvement in him from the time I arrived early in the morning till when I left.

I am not being called upon to sit Robert today. Corey’s mother came in last night. I am being replaced by a professional. She will be with him today.

Robert’s birthday is Saturday. He will be 6. The family is gathering for his party.

Bocce last night.

Fun! A good time!

We won the first game. About 16-12. I did not play.

We lost the second game. 16-4. I did play. We all sucked. But I was the worst.

I did not want to play the third game. I did not have it.

Don said play! So play I did. Glad I did.

We won the third game 16-1. I was terrific. We all were terrific in that third game. Joanie was my partner. Ron and Don at the other end.

I was so good I even scored the one point for the other team.

I had the balls set up for 3 points for our team. Two were already there. I just had to roll my last shot in to make it 3.

A no brainer.

I screwed up! Big time! My aim and speed were off. I changed the configuration. Gave the other team a point!

Only Louis could do that!

Overall the game was good! We had 3 4’s. That’s big time!

When you’re hot, you’re hot! It took us only 11 minutes to play the third game. Unheard off! We were finished for the night and all the other matches were still in their second games.

After bocce, I stopped at Don’s Place. Glad I did! There was Kurt bartending. Wearing one of my Key West Lou tee shirts! Made me feel good.

Rob was there. He had been bartending. Just came off. We chatted a bit. He has not been playing bocce because of work. And we have not been hooking up on the golf course. I miss him and told him so. A good guy.

Time to move on. Have to get ready for the radio show. Hope you can listen in.

Enjoy your day!

One comment on “

  1. Hi Lou- Great show today! It was the first time I listened in, was able to pick it up off the website from my desk at work here in cloudy Boston!

    Interesting points about Kagan. Dang shame that people have to make it about sexuality and dredge up 20 year old photos. It should be about who can do the job and who can do it well and with honor. No matter who or what they are. But I guess, so it goes in today's gossip hungry media.

    Love the blog, it's a nice way to bring a touch of Key West to the day. I'll be making my third trek down there in July and am counting down the days.

    Enjoy the weekend!


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