It is Friday and Friday is radio show time!
The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. KONK 1500 radio. And if you want to watch as well as listen, try the internet at The internet provides viewing and listening world wide!
Yesterday morning was haircut time. For the past several years, I wear my hair Key West style. Short cropped!
You would assume I could go longer without a haircut. No. I still need one every two weeks.
Not a problem, however. It gives me the opportunity to spend some time with the lovely Lori who cuts my hair. A charming peson.
After the haircut, I was off to the Coffee House. Read the papers. Talked to no one.
The town is quieter. By day and by night. The season is over. Which is good! After a while the mass of humanity becomes a bit too much. Now a walk on the streets becomes easy. No bumping into people. Seats are readily available in restaurants. A relaxing quiet has settled over the community.
Ally is into hard boiled eggs. So I went to the Restaurant Store and purchased an egg cutter. It seems to be made out of hard cast aluminum.
I hand washed it. I dishwasher washed it. I hand washed it again.
It continues to emit a black soot. Heavy black.
I will be returning it to the Restaurant Store today.
Last night bocce.
I had a wonderful time! Both teams had a wonderful time!
All 3 games were close. We won the first. Lost the second and third. But had fun.
The big match of the night turned out to be Larry Smith’s team who played the Bubbas.
The Bubbas are the best! They have played together for years. They are always in the playoffs. They even practice.
When you play the Bubbas, you have fear in your heart! You know before hand they are going to destroy you!
Not last night!
Larry’s team beat the Bubbas 2 out of 3. They won the first two games. Even beat the Bubbas 16-0 in the second game. Unheard of!
And Larry was not there for this momentous occasion! He was at the Pier House working.
My congratulations to Tino, Tom, Chris, Maria and every one else on Larry’s team.
Needless to say, the Bubbas were devestated afterwards. They had been beaten up physically and mentally.
It happens.
It was Tino’s birhtday yesterday. A surprise party was planned for him afrterwards at the Pier House’s Wine Galley.
A good crowd. We sang Happy Birthday and ate cake. Kathleen and Christine lead us in the singing. What voices these two ladies have!
Many bocce players in attendance. Some Bubbas. It reminded me of when Syracuse lost to Butler recently in basketball. “…..there was no joy in Mudville…..mighty Casey had struck out!”
Big day today. The radio show this morning. Heart doctor this afternoon. Tonight, I do not know.
Enjoy your day!