A quiet Key West Sunday yesterday.
I spent the morning in bed watching the news talk shows.
Then it was off to Don’s Place. The great rib cook off was scheduled for yesterday.
Don is brilliant! He always has something going to bring in the customers. The place was packed! People cooking/grilling every where!
I did not stay. I could not be in the company of all those delicious appearing and luscious smelling ribs and remain on my diet. So I chatted a bit and then left.
It was the Coffee House for me. I sipped coffee and read the Sunday New York Times for a couple of hours.
Then to Lisa’s. Grandkids appeared to be in better health. They were driving their parents crazy.
Lisa was working on her internet department store Via Key West.
Donna Barnett spent a lot of time with Lisa when she recently was in Key West for her daughter’s wedding. While Terri was hoofing and singing in Finian’s Rainbow on Broadway, Donna had been busy making jewelry.
Lisa has prepared a whole page dedicated to Donna’s new work. It’s terrific! Take a look! http://www.viakeywest.com/.
I have always loved Donna’s skill. Her jewelry is spectacular. On more than one occasion we have been out together and some one has come up to ask her about a neck piece she was wearing. Inevitably, Donna sold the piece literally off her neck!
I went home to watch the Jets/Colts play off game. My intent was to go to the Gardens afterwards. I never made it. I became absorbed in both games. Watched Indianapolis and New Orleans win.
A movie star of classic proportions passed on last week. Jean Simmons. She hit her movie peak in the 1940s and 1950s. British born. Lovely. She became a big Hollywood star. She starred in Hamlet with Laurence Olivier, The Big Country with Gregory Peck, Guys and Dolls with Marlon Brando, Spartacus with Kirk Douglas and Elmer Gantry with Burt Lancaster.
What a list of leading men!
She was a true talent!
Speaking of Burt Lancaster, he once made a movie here in Key West. The Rose Tattoo. Anna Mangani was the female lead. She won the Academy Award for best actress for the role.
The movie was primarily filmed in a small corner house on Duncan Street. I think of the film every time I drive by on my way to Lisa’s. The house is now run down and overgrown with foliage. A for sale sign sits in front of it. Sad.
Enjoy your day!
In the end, the 'Via Key West' website is no better or worse than one or another. Although, I noticed with different browsers it does not seem to format well. Am not saying it is the worst, bit most folks would not stumble across this site and have confidence to purchase or dig in deeper with. I would suggest with investing with more profrssional web designers and re-designing the site. The cost to do this woulld out be weighed by the resultls.