Cold yesterday! High 64!
Cold this morning at 5 am! 62!
A warm day ahead. Going to be 73.
Long pants, sweater and leather jacket yesterday.
The tourists amaze me. Some are bundled. Some only in shorts and tee shirts. Brave souls! I care not how thin their blood may be, cold is cold!
I read the papers and sipped coffee at the Coffee House. Jam packed again. I am being told by the seasoned locals that this is the best Xmas week ever. I believe it.
Then to Publix. I needed a few things. Basics like paper towels and eggs.
The afternoon was spent absorbed in paper work.
The Chart Room last night. People! In and out! A good crowd!
Mark bartending. Sheila at the bar. Sheila drives a Conch train by day. She told me she had worked 6 straight days. Tourists big time!
Che there also. Holding court at the end of the bar. One of the last Chart Room regualrs. The rest have long left this world.
And Ted Kane. Also known as Edward Kane. The court clerk from Madison County, New York. Wearing a Syracuse sweat shirt! Good man!
Syracuse played last night. At Seton Hall. The game was not televised in Key West. Last I could figure the game was tied. Hope Syracuse won. I forgot to check before I started the blog.
It’s a little difficult to enjoy the town when there are so many tourists. I walked over to Hot Tin Roof expecting a bit of quiet while I had dinner. Good luck! It was a zoo!
Valerie bartending. She told me her husband Clayton had officially opened their internet tee shirt store Dog Day Tees. Had a few sales. Needed to optimize.
General Manager John was his usual congenial self. However very busy. The customers were coming in in droves.
I quickly consumed a small piece of chicken and some greens. Still on the diet. Should hit 20 pounds in the next couple of days.
And then I left! I could not take the hustle and bustle.
Stopped at Lisa’s on the way home. Lisa in bed working on her lap top. Corey upstairs on his. The grandkids in bed with their mother.
Robert was falling asleep. Ally was wired as usual. Wide awake.
Ally was into me last night. Some times she is not. She will ignore me.
Last night it was I love you Poppa! Kisses and hugs! And don’t leave!
A good Ally night!
Golf this morning. Long pants, a sweatshirt and outer jacket. I will peel as the day progresses.
Enjoy your day!