Merry Christmas!

Peace to all!

I am up early. I went to bed early. I wanted to be sure Santa Claus would come.

It is pitch black outside over the ocean. There must be a breeze. I can hear the water running by.

Last night was a warm family Christmas. We were at Lisa’s.

Lisa had her home decorated sprectacularly for the occasion. Not just the tree. I am speaking of the table coverings, napkins and the like. Reddish/maroon in keeping with the holiday.

Robert and Ally were dressed for the occcasion. Beautifully!

Robert’s shorts just happened to be the same color as mine. So he was thrilled. Additionally he had a lion on his shirt pocket. I was wearing Polo. So we compared the animals on our shirts.

Ally was so lovely! A red plaid dress. Little black heels and white ankle socks. An angel!

Ally’s dress had a built in slip underneath. Some sort of rayon. She showed it to me when I arrived and told me how good it felt against her leg. Four years old! A typical woman in the making!

Lisa and Corey had guests. Betsy and Jackie. Betsy had spent last Christmas with us. Jackie is of Jackie Grimm fame. She just returned to Key West after having been away for a year. A bright light has returned. A good friend, also. I am happy to see her back.

We were a gathering. Lisa, Corey and the little grandkids. Cameron, the bigger grandkid. Corey’s parents. Betsy and Jackie. And Louis.

With Christmas carols playing in the background, we proceeded to have an enjoyable Christmas eve.

We were sitting in the living room picking on shrimp and various cheeses. And singing carols. The grandkids were leading us. When who should arrive, but Santa!

Robert and Ally had been excited all night in anticipation that he might stop by. The question was whether Santa had the time in his busy schedule.

When Santa did make it and was seated in the easy chair, Robert and Ally were quiet as mice. Not a peep out of them. And they initially kept their distance.


Santa Claus was dressed magnificently! He had new custom made attire this year. He was wearing a robe of old. His beard and mustache were curled. He looked terrific!

Robert and Ally eventually sat on his lap and talked with him. The women each at one time or another sat on his lap for a conference of sorts. This included Betsy and Jackie. Good sports!

Then Santa was on his way and we sat down to Christmas eve dinner.

Yesterday was day 14 of my diet. I lost 15 pounds in 14 days. For real! I said I was going to cheat on Christmas eve and I did! My diet is high protein, low carb. My body only wanted carbs. I devoured bread and cookies. Especially the bread.

Lisa had antipasto. Good! Linguini with 3 differnet sauces. You got your choice. Mix and match sort of thing. Mussels in red sauce, clams in oil and shrimp in butter. And fresh Cuban bread. I ended up dunking the bread in the clam oil sauce and shrimp butter sauce.

It is amazing how the body wants that which it has been deprived.

Lisa’s dishwasher broke. Just at the right time. So the women all washed dishes afterwards. It reminded me of days of old when I was young. Before dishwashers. The women all collected in the kitchen after dinner to clean up. Voices happy. The work was done quickly. As it was last night.

We sat and had coffee and cookies. Terrific cookies! Lisa had baked 5 separate Italian cookies. Normally good, they were even better last night because of the diet.

Some stimulating conversation accompanied the coffee. I interjected Sarah Palin. I was curious as to the ladies’ response. It surprised me. They were all adamantly opposed to her. Not a kind word from any of them. I was shocked. I thought most women admired her and were for her. No way. And at least 2 of the ladies were black hearted Republicans.

And then the night was over. Everyone was full. We said our good nights and went home.

I was in bed early and had a good night’s sleep.

This morning I have to be at Lisa’s by 8. We are opening presents and then doing a big breakfast.

My cheating is over. I am back on my diet. I will not be doing the bacon and eggs and any of that sort of stuff.

May each of you have a most happy Christmas day. May God be good to you this day.

3 comments on “

  1. Xmas can be a very sad day, but reading your blog and listening to you on the radio and seeing you helps, THANK YOU AND A HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!!

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