Guess what?
I am going to do a radio show!
My own. I am going to host a one hour talk show weekly on Konk 1680 AM. The show starts
Thursday November 5 at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
The subject matter will be the law. Guests and call ins.
The show will be dedicated to local and national legal issues of interest.
The show will be available locally via radio and nationally and internationally via the internet. It will be able to be heard all over the United States and world wide by my friends and those interested.
I am excited!
We have not come up with a name for the show yet. Help me! If you have any ideas, let me know.
Lunch and the newspapers yesterday at Harpoon Harry’s. Every now and then I feel this need for old fashioned Mom type cooking. Yesterday it was meat loaf. Need I say more.
Then to Borders for some serious reading. I continue to leaf through John Morse’s biography of Abraham Lincoln. Morse lived during Lincoln’s presidency. It is exciting to read about Lincoln from a man who was there!
I woke during the night and flipped on the TV. There was a Civil War movie playing. Robert Duval was General Lee. Jeff Daniels played a Union general. What a waste of life!
Soccer time again last night. Ally was playing. Ally is 4 and this is her first season.
She did well! She ran with the ball and tried to get at it. A few times she was able to kick it a distance. She has one draw back. An intelligent one. When everyone is mixing it up and kicking, she slows up and backs off a bit. Who are these nuts kicking me! She will out grow it.
No question but that she will turn into an excellent player in a couple of years. She is swift. She is focused. And she is absolutely beautiful! A knockout in the making!
The Chart Room was quiet last night. Just Mark, me and a hotel guest.
I went to Kelley’s for dinner. Wings. Always good! Chatted with Chris the bartender. Bob was at the bar. Have not seen him in a while.
I ended up watching the Minnesota-Detroit game on TV. Good game! Something like 12 innings. Minnesota will now meet the Yankees. Some great baseball coming up!
Key Wester Wendy Grom was on Facebook with a message today. This must be that day of the week. She wished everyone a Happy Hump Day! Good girl, Wendy!
Golf this morning. I am anxious to play. I have not played in 3 weeks. I do not care how bad I play nor how much I lose. It is just good to be playing again!
Enjoy your day! I plan on enjoying mine!
The need for 'mom type food' is that today would have been her 95th b'day.
Congratulations on the radio show. Be sure to let me know how to hear it here in Tampa Bay.
Lou, here are a few Radio Show Name idea’s off the top of my brain:
1). Keys to Justice
2). Fresh Water Conch of Council
3). Southern Legal Latitudes
4). Conch of Law
5). Coconut Council Advice
6). Legal Lou’s Southern Latitudes
7). Paradise Law with Lou
Mike (of The Mike & Tina)
Lou's law
I was going to suggest something simple, since "Key West Lou" is already becoming a widely known name, like "Key West Lou and the Law." However, Mike has suggested some really good titles. Congratulations on the radio show. I saw you on the KONK-AM schedule yesterday and was all set to tune in tomorrow, but I suppose I'll have to wait until Nov. 5. I'll be back in KW next Wednesday evening and look forward to seeing you all!!!
talk to lou
Do you have the internet address for your show yet?
Congratulations !! See Ya on the air…
It' All About The Rule of Law, by Lou. Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhh. How about The Lou Petrone Show?
Plaintiffs in Paradise
Looks good to me and thanks for the plug and the lunch. Have a great one.