I got bit by some kind of bug Thursday night at bocci.
I felt it while sitting on the bench waiting my turn to throw. A sharp pinch.
It was on my upper left thigh. Inside. Next to the family jewels.
When I got home, I checked the bite out. I had a slight inflamation. It twitched a bit. No pain.
When I woke yesterday morning, it was a different story. The inflamation was the size of a golf ball. And there were 3 small bruises nearby that resembled and were the size of small worms.
By mid afternoon, the fire engine red swelling was about 6 inches by 4 inches. And thick. It was bulging out. And it hurt!
So I stayed in last night. It had to be bothering me for me to give up a Friday night on the town in Key West!
It is still swollen this morning, though a bit less. It hurts less. The 3 small bruises have been absorbed into the red swelling. I can see a needle from whatever bit me in the middle of the thing.
There were wasps around Thursday night. This is not a wasp bite, though. Nor is it a fire ant bite. I have had both.
Oh well, I will live! I am happy that what ever bit me did not move another quarter inch and chomp on my privates! That would really have been painful and a hell of a story to tell!
The only time I was out yesterday was to have lunch with Lisa. We talked about the final touches to her internet department store Via Key West which will be opening soon.
A quiet day. Of necessity.
Today will be another story. Healthy living can only go so far!
Enjoy your day!
What were you wearing it bit you that close to the family jewels? Inquiring minds want to know….