Good morning world!
Yesterday was a terrific one! Babysat the grandkids by day! Bocci by night!
My babysitting started earlier than scheduled. Corey telephoned to say Robert and Ally were getting ansy. Could he drop them off early?
I had them at 9!
They came through the door all juiced up! Pure energy! I thought they had chocolate for breakfast!
We played games and talked. Then we talked and played games.
Finally, it was lunch time. My plan was to take them to Hogfish. I changed my mind. Opted to stay in and make grilled cheese sandwiches.
Turned out to be a winner! We had a ball at lunch while eating them!
After lunch, it was pool time! Robert and Ally swim like fish. They will be diving for treaure in a couple of years just as their father does. The water tired them and tired me!
I needed a nap. I said lets go upstairs, turn on the TV and take a nap. Robert was for it. Ally said no. What a pain! So I said, OK Ally. You stay down stairs. Robert and I will nap alone.
It took Ally all of 2 minutes to join us. And it took each of them less than 5 minutes to fall asleep. I had Ally sleeping in the crook of my right arm and Robert out cold with his head on my chest.
And I was in and out of a light sleep for about an hour.
Then Lisa arrived and my babysitting portion of the day was over. I was ready for it to be over!
Bocci last night!
We did good! And we did bad!
We won 1 out of 3 games.
The first one we won 16-8. A knockout!
The second game we were leading 14-9. And lost 16-14!
The third game we were winning 14-8. We lost 16-15.
We played Larry’s team. Always a blood match! We limited our players to 5. We were hopeful that by playing the best, we would win. We almost did! But close is not good enough!
David, Don, Rob, Jules and I played. Why did we lose the last 2 games after having comfortable leads? I think we choked a bit. We did not have the shots at the end when the chips were down!
This is to take nothing away from Larry’s team. They beat us far and square. However, I think we gave the last 2 games to them. We lost. They did not win.
No disrespect, Larry.
Whatever, we played the best we have played in a year. I am confident we will win our share of games this year. Good bye cellar! We are leaving you!
Guess what! I get to babysit again today. Robert and Ally will be here in about an hour. I am toying with the idea of taking them up to Boondocks for miniature golf and lunch.
Talk with you tomorrow…..