Yesterday was a nice day! But then again, all Key West days can be described that way!
I stayed in bed late. I am hooked on reruns of West Wing.
Then a light lunch and read the papers at the Yacht Club.
Ran some more errands. Not difficult to do. When you live on an island only 1 1/2 miles by 4 miles, everything is close!
Visited grandchildren Robert and Ally for a while. Love them!
Then to Borders for some book reading. What would I do without Borders! I tried the public library. However, the chairs there are not comfortable. So Borders has become Louis’ public library!
Last night began as usual with the Chart Room.
I ran into Catain Peter in the parking lot of the Pier House. He was locking up his bike. Peter has been suffering for a few days with the gout. Did he have a big toe! Plus he has new blood pressure medication. Between the two, Peter was not physically in the best of shape. One thing about Peter however, his mind is always the same! Sharp! Our Captain Peter is one good guy and a pleasure to be around!
After a week of no shows, the round table was full. David, Sheila, Jean, Peter and Louis. As usual, good crazy conversation.
Jean’s friend Stephanie stopped by for a drink. The two were going to dinner across the street at Hot Tin Roof.
Stephnaie works with the homeless. She also writes a weekly blog. Stephanie is a shoe nut. She weaves her love of shoes together with the problems of the homeless. I am anxious to read her blog. However I was drinking and drank afterwards, and for the life of me cannot recall the identity of the blog site. I have written Jean asking her to provide me with it.
As I was leaving the Chart Room, Marty telephoned. He has deserted me this past week! He is home in Hallendale. He was concerned I had not mentioned him in the blog all week. I told him…out of sight, out of mind! You left. Who needs you!
Only kidding. Marty returns to Key West Sunday night.
Dinner was at the bar at La Trattoria.
Erin bartending. Beecha hosting.
Love Beecha. Beautiful and charming. Always a warm word.
Christopher and Patrick came in for dinner and sat next to me. They own Antonia’s.
Christopher has lost tons of weight. At least half a body. Looks terrific!
I find it interesting that the owners of 3 of the finest restaurants in Key West round robin each other when dining out. The owners of Antonia’s, La Trattoria and Michael’s all dine out at each other’s places of business. Speaks well for the respect each has for the other’s food!
It was still early so I stopped at Don’s place. No more alcohol for me, however. Just a diet Pepsi.
Don was there. We talked quite a while. Kurt bartending. He joined in some of our conversations.
Then home to bed.
Enjoy the day!
HALLANDALE, H-A-L-L-A-N-D-A-L-E; Not Hallendale, H-a-l-l-e-n-d-a-l-e. Furthermore, it's Hallandale Beach.
HALLANDALE, H-A-L-L-A-N-D-A-L-E; Not Hallendale, H-a-l-l-e-n-d-a-l-e. Furthermore, it's Hallandale Beach.
Poor Louis. He's always getting corrected on names and their spellings. 😉
Poor Louis. He's always getting corrected on names and their spellings. 😉