Yesterday was my birthday. What a day!
Congrats on the blog, on other internet sites, over the telephone, in person. Out of sight! I never received so much attention before. That is not correct. There was one time. My 60th! A surprise party with 200 people.
Yesterday was better though. Unplanned. Uninvited. Unsolicited. People just communicated! It made me feel good. Thank you!
And where the messages came from! South Africa, India, Italy, Greece. England, Canada and Mexico! And from all over the US, including Florida of course, and New Hamphire, New York, Ohio, Virginia, South Carolina, Pennsylvannia, Michigan, Nevada and California.
One e mail was from Tom and Cindy. We have never met. Apparently they read the blog. Tom wrote and told me Cindy only has one leg. She rides a wheel chair. He said to watch out for them. They return to Key West in February for 2 weeks. I will be scouring Duval in search for them!
More importantly, it was Cindy’s birthday yesterday. We share the same day! However Cindy is a spring chicken compared to me. Only 52! Belated birthday greetings Cindy!
These electronic birthday cards are terrific, also! I received several. All good! The best however was from friend Allen Wimer. A clip of young lovely cheerleaders singing something to the effect that …You’re old!”
Funny! Great! Only Allen knows how to hurt a person and make them feel good at the same time! Thank you, Allen!
I celebrated my birthday at The Strip House last night. Sounds sexy! Was! But not as you might think!
The Strip House is a steak house in the Reach Hotel. Strip, steak–they go together. Its location at the Reach is one of the best in town. Picture a large veranda porch sitting on the ocean. I dined on the veranda, of course.
It was a perfect evening for it. Full moon. Soft breeze.
I thank every one who took me out to dinner last night. I had a terrific time!
Enough of birthdays! At least mine! Others are still fair game.
I return to normalcy today. I have some paper work to complete this morning. Then a 10 day project will be concluded and I can return to my nomal Key West existence of goofing off!
Have a good day!
I want to read your blog, but, please, post it before 8 a.m.
I want to read your blog, but, please, post it before 8 a.m.