My day to watch the grandkids yesterday! A good day!
I drove Robert and Ally up to Boondock’s for miniature golf and lunch.
I have not played miniature golf in over 50 years. It probably cost $.25 a round back then. Yesterday, it was $8 a head! Wow!
Well worth it, however! The course is beautiful. And Robert and Ally had a good time!
Robert and Ally had never played before. Robert at 5 was better coordinated. Ally at 4 had a bit of difficulty.
I would like to say I beat them at the game. However, after the first hole I realized I could not play, watch them, coordinate them, guide them and teach them at the same time! So my ball went in my pocket.
A good idea, any how! That way I would not have to come up with an excuse for losing to them!
Boondock’s even has water holes! On one of them, Ally’s ball went in the water. Or, so we thought! There was a way the ball could escape the water. The ball found that path. And Ally’s ball ended up near the hole rather than in the drink.
We first looked for the ball in the water. Then suddenly we discovered it was on the green and still in play. Ally jumped with joy and shouted, “Magic!” The innocence and spontaniety of youth!
It was hot! A boiling sun with no breeze.
After the game, we went upstairs for lunch. Boondock’s has a children’s menu. And thereon was the universal kids’ dish. Macaroni and cheese! And that is what Robert and Ally had.
Also, diet cokes. Two each! Little did I know that Lisa does not permit them to drink sodas. No wonder they enjoyed them so much!
Ice cream for desert!
Tired with full belleys, they both slept in their car seats on the ride home.
Last night I went to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. A piece of fish. Mahi mahi. And 2 gins! Finally!
I sat outside on the deck of the Hot Tin Roof for a while. Overlooks the water, boats, deck and people. Pleasant and interesting!
Then home to catch the second half of the Los Angeles/Orlando basketball game.
I did it again! The game went into overtime! I slept through the overtime! Some day I will stay awake to catch the last few exciting minutes of a game!
The world is a crazy place. Try not to let the walls of insanity that surround us touch you. My comments are motivated by the recent shooting at the Holocaust Museum in Washington.
I think I am going to read a bit today. I deserted the Harry Truman book for some others recently. Time to get back to Truman!
Enjoy your day!