Good morning! Enjoy the holiday!
I got up early this morning. It was still dark. I decided to take a brisk walk on the ocean at Smather’s Beach.
The sun was just breaking over the horizon as I started the walk. Pretty. There was a cool breeze coming off the Atlantic. By the time I finished my walk, the sun was up and blazing. It was hot! I was soaking wet!
Then drove over to Paradise Cafe to read the papers and have cuban coffee and toast.
There is this elderly gentleman who runs every day on Roosevelt Boulevard. You can’t miss him! He is always attired the same. Fire red shorts and a fire red hat. The hat is like those that priests wear at the Vatican. Round in the center with a long round brim. Actually, the guy looks weird!
He weighs no more than 120 pounds. Probably in excellebt health. The benefit of running.
This morning he was carrying an American flag as he ran. Not a small one. Rather large and attached to a wood pole.
He never missed a step.
Today he did not look out of the ordinary. He was an American! and proud of it!
I had a quiet day yesterday. Hung around the house till dinner time. Then celebrated Lisa and Corey’s sixth wedding anniversary with the two of them and the grandkids. Lisa cooked.
Robert and Ally are on the mend. Corey is now sick with whatever they had. He looked and felt lousy. Lisa is probably next.
I was home early and to bed. I wanted to watch the basketball game.
Instead I got hooked on the PBS show celebrating Memorial Day. Spectacular! Tear jerking!
We have to see our veterans to fully appreciate the sacrifice they are making. The wounds some of them will carry for life speak to that sacrifice and the debt we owe!
I caught the second half of the game.
Lebaron James cannot do it all alone. He scored 41 points and that was not enough to win. Some one else has to step in and help or Cleveland will not be proceeding into the championship series.
Enjoy your cookouts! Enjoy your families and friends!
Our next holiday is all of five weeks off! July 4th!