The sun is starting to sneak in this morning. The tide is out. No breeze to speak of. Calm.
The beginning of another good day in Key West!
It was hot yesterday! Boiling! The kind of heat that made even walking a chore.
The island is packed with tourists for the Memorial Day weekend. The hotels are full. But the tourists are not spending money. The restaurants and bars were empty last night. I suspect that most of the holiday visitors drove down for the weekend and are families. They are here for beach, sun and some extra fun. And it is pizza in the room at night!
I spent four hours at Borders yesterday afternoon. I am engrossed in the Harry Tuman book. I am into his school days in Independence and the stirrings of his feelings for Bess Wallace. I will probably spend a few hours there today. The book has captured my interest.
Visited with the grandchildren. Robert appears on the mend. It is amazing what modern day medication can do in a short time. He is far from well yet. But decidedly on his way. Ally plays nurse to Robert. She is very serious about it. Not playing.
Love them both!
A big night last night!
Started as usual at the Chart Room. Marty, Captain Peter and Sean. And a few tourists who stopped in. Nothing big.
Then to Michael’s for dinner with Marty.
Bart was there. Bart used to own Alice’s with Alice. Now he sometimes helps out at Antonia’s. Bart and Antonia owner Christopher are good friends.
I was sitting next to Bart. I had not seen him in a while. We had an interesting conversation. I vented a bit about my recent frustrations with Antonia’s. I am sure Bart will convey them to Christopher.
Where to go next? The three of us, Marty, Bart and Louis, ended up at La Te Da. Debra and Patrick time! Love Debra’s singing!
The crowd was not as it should have been. But those there were dancing up a storm!
One drink was enough for me. I headed home to catch the end of the Los Angeles/Denver basketball game. There was 8 minutes left when I climbed into bed. The end of the game is always the best. That is when everything happens!
I fell asleep before the game was over. Slept the night away with the lights on. Had to look on the internet this morning to see who won.
Today is a special day. Lisa and Corey’s sixth wedding anniversary! Congratulations to them! It has been some 6 years!
Dinner tonight with Lisa and the family. I offered to babysit so Lisa and Corey could go out. But they said no. They just want a special family dinner at home. And so it shall be!
Enjoy your day!