It is the day after Christmas. Normally would mean 364 days till next Christmas. Not this time. 2016 is a Leap Year. An extra day. February 29. Ergo, 365 days till Christmas.
This Christmas holiday seemed exceptionally quiet. Nothing wrong with quiet. If you have not felt the quietness yet, I suspect you will by the time the weekend is over. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, followed by the weekend. Four days makes for a long holiday.
Yesterday morning was open gift time. Robert and Ally were thrilled with every gift received. As it should be. Gift opening followed by a long leisurely breakfast prepared by Lisa. Excellent.
I was home by 10. My Christmas over.
The news has been speaking of how warm it continues to be up north. It is the same in Key West. I am still in shorts and a shirt. Have not had to wear even a sweat shirt.
The weather this past week averaged 81 degrees. Speaks for itself.
This morning’s Key West Citizen reports that the average Key West temperature this year at 79.9 degrees. The hottest year ever. Consider at the same time that worldwide, temperatures have risen to new highs.
Global warming?
Harry Truman loved Key West. Key West loves Harry Truman. He visited Key West 11 times for a total of 175 days.
Truman died this date in 1972 at the age of 88.
The Presidential election has been less than normal. Thanks to Trump. The campaign has deviated from issues to personal attacks.
I fear that the campaign is going to erupt into one of the dirtiest ever. A down and dirty fight. Trump plays in the gutter. He brings the battle down to that level. Sexism is already a part of the campaign. I predict the campaign will become more revealing and personal.
People discuss the campaign. No, people discuss Trump.
Over the past few days, I have not found one person who is for him. Most emotionally against him. How then is he so far ahead in the polls? Could this be a year when the polls are not correct?
The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson in a recent column indicated that the composition of the Republican Party has changed. It is now whiter, older, less educated, and more blue collar. Trump is leading them like a Pied Piper.
Enjoy your day!
The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson in a recent column indicated that the composition of the Republican Party has changed. It is now whiter, older, less educated, and more blue collar. Trump is leading them like a Pied Piper.
end quote
It appears to me that the Republican committee has put forth a real woman with actual business experience, a highly educated successful real black man, and several others with actual governing experience. And, also, one very successful business man. It seems us ‘blue collar’ types are fed up with business as usual inside the beltway.
I wouldn’t expect many in Key West to like Trump. But, there are still a couple conservatives in town that like what he has to say.
It does appear the Republican party is moving farther right, but, not quite as far as the Democrat party has moved to the left.
In my opinion both major parties have lost touch with the nation and have sold out.
I was in DC today at the National Archives and sadly the original copy of the Declaration of Independence is fading badly, you almost cannot read it at all. Maybe an omen?
I also saw the signature of George Washington on Lafayette’s regimental discharge papers. Somehow the idea of a “Trump” as President is emblematic of just how far we have come in the wrong direction as a nation (Dame Hillary, NO better).
Somehow the idea of a “Trump” as President is emblematic of just how far we have come in the wrong direction as a nation (Dame Hillary, NO better).
end quote
Yep. The ‘uneducated blue collar types’ have enough common sense to be fed up with political business/ process as usual. dame hillary has been part of the problem for decades.
I live full time in Key West. Have an MBA and am involved in many aspects of Key West society and businesses . I will vote for Donald Trump for President.
So much for that theory Lou.
Congratulations! Might you be an exception?
No he’s not. I will vote for trump and I have a graduate degree. I wonder where Eugene Robinson gets his info. It’s a silly comment. After recent surveys of universities that seem to be extreme liberal cesspools where independent thoughts or opinions are squashed, especially where students signed a petition to eliminate the first amendment — Yale — those are your democratic voters. They may attend universities, but I would argue as to whether they are educated. Indoctrinated, but not educated. I know Eugene and his wife from my years in washington — good people but I will never share his politics and I never read his columns. They are opinion pieces, not news.