Good morning world!
I am up early this morning. Still dark outside. I have to babysit Robert and Ally starting at 8:30. Worth rising early for!
Yesterday’s Internet show was a winner. As usual. I am not bragging. I make the observation because it is what it is. Terrific! Love doing it!
The post show comments were more than normal. Mostly from women. The comments had to do with my explanation of a new Arizona law which says life begins before conception. That life begins from the first day of the last menstrual period of the woman.
Crazy! And the ladies found it so!
I decided to do a column on the topic also. It will be published next thursday in KONK Life.
Last night was the Bloody Sea Battle. The Conch Republic’s fight for independence.
I watched the battle from the deck of the Ocean Key House. The battle took place directly in front of me. In fact, I got wet from the hose spray shelling between ships.
There is one part of this annual fight which thrills me. Every year. The air battle. The Conch’s in there World War I bi planes and the U.S. Navy their jets. The air battle is rigged. The Conch’s always win.
Afterwards, I fought the hoards and made my way to Schooners Wharf for the victory celebration. The pirate ladies in their scant costumes were exceptionally lovely. I mulled my way through the crowd. It was too busy to even think of being able to order a drink.
My son in law Corey has the job of jobs. He is an archaeologist. The Chief Archaeologist at the Mel Fisher Museum. He has been there more than 25 years. He dives the ocean looking for sunken Spanish galleons containing historical artifacts and treasure.
A neat job.
Occasionally, he is called upon to assist the students in a marine archeology class at the Lower Keys Community College. Yesterday was one of those days. He took a group out into Key West Harbour. Beneath its waters lies a frigate of old. The Marie J. Thompson. His classroom is the vessel. He takes the students down with him for an educational trip. Air tanks, face masks and the works.
The Marie J. Thompson is 160 feet long. It has the distinction of having been the largest ship ever built in the Bahamas.
I have no more time. I am running late. Have to hurry over to Lisa’s to pick up the grandkids. We are going to breakfast. Where, I do not know. They will tell me.
Enjoy your day!
You're sounding much, much better….amazing how spending time with or talking about family can do that…found that out through my recent what ever & loss. Have a great day & week ahead. Moto