Another glorious sun rise this morning!
I figured out why I am noticing the rising sun more often lately. It’s because I am staying in bed later! With not going out waiting for my dental work to heal, I am remaining in bed longer in the morning.
The big hit of my yesterday was Sloan’s visit last night. We got a lot of work done in two hours. She was my only personal contact with the world yesterday.
Today will be different. I have a hair appointment with Lori. Need a haircut! I will let her do the talking. Afterwards, I may, no, I will, stop at the Plantation Coffee House. Just for a cup of coffee. I could not handle my usual toasted bagel. No way!
Then probably a visit with Lisa.
I was disappointed with the responses to yesterday’s blog regarding Petunia’s death. No one mentioned Petunia, how sad they might be, etc. My grandchildren Robert and Ally feel bad. Maybe you have to be a child to appreciate these things.
Revolt is upon us! Rebellion is in the air! Conch Republic days are on the way.
There was a time when the citizens of Key West were pissed at the Federal Government. So they seceded. Only for minutes. Called themselves the Conch Republic.
This event is celebrated yearly. Starts Friday and lasts ten days. A ton of events.
This Saturday is the Drag Rac on Duval. Funny!!!
Then a week from Saturday is the best of the best. The bloody battle between the Conch Republic and the United States. A real battle. Off Ocean Key and Schooners Wharf. Conch pirate ships. Crewed by men in pirate attire and ladies in bikinis. They have a water battle against ships of the U.S. Border Patrol. Rotten vegetables and fruit are thrown by the Conch vessels upon the Government boats. Both sides have forceful hoses which they shoot at each other.
There is an air battle at the same time. World war I bi planes comprise the Conch Air Force. Navy jets from Boca Chica the U.S. planes. The bi planes bomb the Border Patrol vessels with rolls of toilet paper. The rolls unravel as they fall upon the ships.
A guaranteed good time!
Donna and Teri left me a message yesterday. They were some where in Tennessee. Strange way to be driving to Los Angeles. Knowing them, they will zig zag across the country making several multi day stops along the way. They are seeing the USA. And not in a Chevrolet. A small foreign car instead.
Enjoy your day!
It was too bad about Petunia, but, I didn't see any mention of the date of the pig roast..
I wonder how many will get the joke about the Chevrolet.. Patrick
…6 hours in the E.R. last night and not a confirmed diagnosis….prob. GALLBLADDER….more tests to do…no flight…no vacation with my brother….I see surgery in my future…..NEVER COMPLAIN….IT CAN AND USUALLY GETS WORSE.. Yesterday 7:15am I'm home till thursday….get a double contrast cat scan…since i;m allergic to the iodine dye I need to take 40 mg. of prednisone at 13, 7. and 1 hour before the study…..get to the hospital an hour before the stude to drink Barium…study only takes a 1/2 hour…..starting time for arrival at hospital is 7 AM…you do the math…..friday I have to get at the hospital at 10:30 for a 4 hour study…they inject a radio-active dye in me…..O JOY!.
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