My intent yesterday was to have a quiet lunch while reading the newspapers at Hogfish. It was not to be.
As I was climbing the stairs at my home to dress, I stubbed my toe on the last step and went flying. My left side all the way down took the brunt of the fall. Broke my glasses. Banged my left eye. May be developing into a healthy sized shiner. Cut my face on the side of my eye in three places. The blood was flowing. My left hip and knee were sore.
I was a mess! I hurt!
I spent the afternoon in bed soothing my wounds.
I had a dinner date with Jenna last night. She was meeting me at John Lukas’ new Sports Bar. I wore sun glasses. Not just to hide the damage. The glasses I had broke were the only clear lensed ones I had. So a movie star I shall be till I get new ones.
Jenna had not been to Lukas’ place before. I wanted her to try it. The food is fantastic. For a sports bar. Not gourmet, but very edible. Neither of us were disappointed with our meals.
John was walking around. I am happy that he finally had his dream opening and is now operating smoothly. Nate was bartending. Chatted with him at the bar before Jenna arrived.
Jenna was her usual beautiful self.
Afterwards, I stopped at Don’s Place. Don was sitting at the end of the bar. He was talking to a customer. A woman I later learned was Lacey.
Turns out Lacey is a stripper. She is presently working at Bare Assets down the street from Don’s. It was her first time in Don’s Place. She wanted a drink before starting her shift at 10 o’clock.
I have frequented Bare Assets a few times over the years. Not too often. Maybe once every two years. The ladies working were always young. Very young. Twenty two would be old.
Lacey had seen 22 many years ago. Either the work has been tough on her or she is just a 40 year old woman. I suspect both.
I felt sorry for her.
Lacey was pleasant. Invited us to stop by for a lap dance. I doubt either of us will do so. Bare Assets for whatever reason is not appealing to me and my friends.
Maybe we got too old.
Lacey left. Rob showed up.
My Internet show tomorrow at 10 in the morning my time. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Join me for exciting topics.
Between the Republican Presidential candidates and the Catholic Church, this has been an interesting week. Topics to be discussed include Rick Santorum and his antiquated view regarding sex, the payroll tax deal and its gross insult to the unemployed, the proposed Key West park smoking ban, Oliver Stone’s son becoming a Shite Muslim, birth control and the Catholic bishops, Iran and nuclear power, and more.
Love doing the show! You will love watching!
Enjoy your day!
Lou – Are you sure you don't require stitches for the eye? Not a place to mess with on your body. I was sorry to hear about the fall, take is slow and easy as I know you can in KW.
roWe were coming into Don's parking lot just as you were driving away! I wish we would have gotten there a few minutes earlier….I would have liked to have our friends meet you. They will be here for a week, so there's still time! Have a great day!
Show topic: NJ Gov Christie's state wide tribute to a dead junkie (Whitney Houston)…good idea or sending the wrong message?
Geez Lou, slow down on those steps!! Take care of yourself and go get some of those big movie star sunglasses, I'm sure someone will ask for your autograph.
Looking forward to tomorrow's show!
Just recently to your post…..can so picture myself there… it! Moto