Terrific Internet show yesterday!
Anna was a winner! I received a ton of emails and telephone calls regarding her. She made an excellent guest.
I did two segments with Anna. Intended to do only one. However, she was so interesting, I opted to continue.
The interview was a bit difficult for Anna. Her English is not perfect. Both understanding and speaking are problems. But she could grasp enough and express herself well. I doubt any one was aware of her struggle.
Anna is a world traveler. She took us from Milan to France to Switzerland to Germany to England to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela. She knows money. Economics. She explained the euro crisis from her perspective. Her Saudi Arabia observations were funny.
It was the gym for me in the afternoon. A work out with Courtney. His 46th birthday.
Speaking of birthdays, it was Corey’s birthday also yesterday. His 49th.
We partied at Lisa’s. Corey’s parents in. The grandkids all excited.
I bought Corey one of those water shirts. A Columbia. At Orvis. Corey liked it. He put it on and wore it through dinner.
I did not go out after dinner. I continue to be tired. It was home to bed for me.
Syracuse basketball today! Syracuse plays St. John at noon at Madison Square Garden.
Syracuse should win. But…..you never know in the Big East. St. John almost beat Duke the other night.
I will be watching at the Sports Page Bar. I now have divided loyalties. The Sports Page Bar and John Lukas’ Big Ten Sports Bar. The next game will be at John’s place.
It will be interesting talking with Russ after the game. Russ is a former New Yorker and a St. John fan. He will probably be working while the game is on. Russ is the chief chef at The Strip House. A very fine place for steak in Key West. I believe it to be the best place for steak.
Key West is packed with tourists. The season is beginning. The streets crowded. Traffic a bit slower. Every one having a great time. As it should be.
Enjoy your day!