Great show yesterday! Thank you for all the comments.
Two topics seemed to have garnered the most interest. The one having to do with the three year old girl who has been denied a kidney. She is in desperate need of a transplant. The other concerned how Castro worked his way through college. He was a movie extra in Havana shot films. Three were Esther Williams films.
I have a house guest. Anna. Anna is from Milan, Italy. Anna is a religious blog reader and viewer of the internet show, as well as an old friend. She has been on a tour of Florida. She telephoned and asked if she could visit for a few days.
I went to the airport to pick Anna up. Apparently, I do not get to the airport enough. Since I retired six years ago, I rarely travel.
I was impressed. Simultaneously four jets landed. Big regional jets. What happened to the 18 and 28 seaters? An example of the progress which is slowly changing the fabric of Key West.
It was the Chart Room first last night. A good group of friends. Cheryl and Roger, Don and Chris, Sean and Catherine, and Sheila. Emily bartending. Everyone in a jovial mood.
Afterwards, Anna and I went over to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Anna is interested in eating fish while she is in Key West. She asked me if the fish here with fresh? What a joke! I explained to her that any fish she would consume in Key West was caught earlier the same day. I chastised her for being such a fish snob. Milan is not on any water. Any fish she gets at home is not fresh.
Syracuse basketball again tonight! Love it!
Syracuse is playing Notre Dame. 6 PM. I will be watching the game at the Sports Page Bar. Don and Chris will be joining me. I am sure others.
This will be Anna’s first basketball game. She has never seen one. She does not understand basketball.
Enjoy your day!