Key West has moved into Autumn.
Sunny all day. High 70s to 80 degrees. Blue skies.No humidity. Chilly evenings.
Son in law Corey is an expert in all things involving nature. He says it will be this way till June. The humidity factor. The temperature will drop in late December and into January. Our winter.
The Herschel/Erica 7am breakfast at Don’s Place yesterday was terrific!
I arrived a few minutes after 7.There were about 15 persons in the bar. Alcohol sales are permitted on sunday mornings in Florida. Starting at 7.
The breakfast club crowd was there. Those who wait for the doors to open so they can have their first drink of the day. There were also a few of me. Those waiting for breakfast.
The food soon arrived. I waited a while. Continued to read the sunday papers. The crowd picked up. By 8, it was sizable and sociable. At 7, everyone appeared to be in a bit of a haze.
Herschel and Erica did did an excellent job food wise. Chipped beef and biscuits, ham and eggs, hard boiled eggs, and sausage. I ate it all!
It was dark at 7 when I arrived. It was daylight a little after 8 when I left.
I headed over to Lisa’s. She has never seen me this early in Key West. In an accusatory fashion she said, “You’ve been up all night!” No, I responded. And explained.
The last time I stayed up all night partying was about 40 years ago.
Robert and Ally were up. They were excited to see me. They ran outside in their pajamas to greet me. Love it! Love them!
I stayed at Lisa’s till noon. Watched the talk shows with Lisa and Corey. Played with the grandkids.
Corey has a new I pad. Robert and Ally know how to use it. They play games on it. They each spent about two hours on the I pad. Amazing!
I was home at 1 watching the Denver/Miami game. I was curious to see how Tim Tebow would do. He did not do well most of the game! It was only in the last couple of minutes that his greatness came to the fore.
Denver was losing 15-0. Tebow passed for 2 touchdowns. Needed a 2 pointer following the second touchdown to tie. Did it. Denver went on to win in overtime.
Up to the those last few minutes, Tebow sucked. He did not look good. Ran too much. Not wise for a pro quarterback. He threw little. Not wise either.
I did a lazy sunday night. Stayed in and watched TV.
Friday, I was at K Mart. I decided to buy one of those panini sandwich grills. I ran into Kathy while there. La Trattoria’s Kathy.
Kathy had heavy surgery in Miami several weeks ago. This was the first time I had seen her since before the surgery. I spoke to her on the telephone three weeks ago. She sounded extremely tired.
My Kathy friday was less tired. But, oh so thin! She lost a lot of weight. Too much. She truly was a fraction of her former self. She will gain it back though. Plus.
Her disposition was excellent. She is a charmer at heart. I could sense her energy was not yet where it should be. A bit more time.
God bless! Glad you made it, Kathy!
By the way, I am giving the panini machine a good work out. Love it! That is all I have been eating since friday. Paninis. Made with everything!
Enjoy your day!