A gorgeous Sunday morning!
Unfortunately, only a smathering of white clouds. Like a brush stroke across the sky.
We need rain! No rain yesterday. Looks like no rain today.
Yesterday was a good day for me. Pleasant best describes it.
I spent the day writing. Outside under the tiki hut by the water. I write like I read. Generally, three books at a time. I am writing three novels at one time. I skip back and forth.
Writing is an interesting experience. Each sentence is a work of art. Better said, each word.
I may never finish any of the books I am writing. Regardless, I am enjoying the effort.
I wanted to be alone last night. I was in that kind of mood.
I started at the Chart Room. Initially just me and JJ the bartender. Then a lovely young lady appeared. Lovely is not sufficient to describe her beauty. Tall, thin, tanned. A sparkle in her eyes.
Her name Kristin Heinichen. She has only been in Key West four days. She has decided to settle here for a while. She was sailing the Carribean and put into Key West. Key West impacted her immeditely. She is living out on the ocean on her sail boat.
Kristin is a photo journalist. Takes pictures and writes. She wants to do a work on Key West figures/characters. In only four days, she discovered how interesting they are and how interesting Key West is.
She is originally from Chicago. An Ohio University graduate. Majored in journalism.
I volunteered some people and places she should get into. She wrote like mad taking my suggestions down. She then was off to Mallory Square for the sunset. I told her that was not Key West. The locals are where it is at for her purposes.
I wish her well. I am sure we will run into each other again.
It was 9 o’clock. I had not eaten since 11 in the morning. My stomach was growling. I decided to go to the Wine Galley for dinner and Larry Smith. Larry chastised me at the golf course the other day. He said it was over a year since I had been to the Wine Galley to hear him perform. He was correct.
Larry was glad to see me. He gave me that about time look.
I was seated at the bar. Some woman was at the piano talking to Larry. He introduced her to me . Key West Lou.
She came to the bar and sat next to me. We had a pleasant evening together.
Her name is Candy Sargent. She lived in Key West at one time for 26 years. Then traveled a bit. Now lives full time in Hawaii. She widowed about a year ago. She is now on a long term trip to mainland USA visiting old friends. Tonight, girl friends of old. Next week to Boston to visit relatives. Then a week or two on the Cape.
A small world it is. One of her best friends in Key West is Jackie Lefferts. My doctor! Jackie picked her up at the airport when she arrived. Candy is playing golf this morning with Jackie’s husband Michael. They are teeing off at 7 in a scramble. Michael and I have played golf together on occasion. He is pretty good. My sense however is that Candy is better. A smart move on Michael’s part to have her on his scramble team.
When I told Candy what I shoot, she looked startled. Like no one can be that bad! I am.
This morning a winner! I woke to an old musical on TV. The life of Sigmund Romberg. He wrote the likes of The Student Prince, The Desert Song and My romance.
Jose Ferrer starred. He won a couple of Oscars in the late 1940s and early 1950s. His first was for his performance as the Dauphin in Joan of Arc. If my memory is correct, the second was for the lead role in Cyrano de Bergerac.
A ton of actors played cameo roles singing Romberg’s tunes.
Great music and acting! I lay in bed and enjoyed.
A good twenty four hours. Hopefully, today will be just as good. Probably will be. It is hard not to have a good day in Key West.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Enjoyed your post today Lou. You certainly meet some interesting people.
I have to say I enjoy reading your post, your a very interesting me and know many interesting people. It sounds like your so happy in Key West always on the go doing something. This is where you really want to be isn't it? Do you miss Utica NY at all? Keep having fun and enjoy yourself .
Kristin Heinichen sounds like she is living "the Life." To sail the Caribbean on your boat reminds me of the song "A Horse With No Name" by America. Both are ways to find yourself be it in desert or on ocean and as America says "The Ocean is desert with the perfect disguise on top."
When I was on the small, obscure and absolutely fantastic little Dutch island of Statia for Summer school two years in a row I had found a paradise indeed. I went back last year and I knew I could live out my days there in complete happiness. Check it out one day if you want to really find an out of the way paradise close to home:
one of your best blogs yet on meeting interesting people lou. deep felt and informative ! had me sitting right there. hot ! 101 in columbia,sc……….BYRDMAN