Saturday morning! Bright and lovely! Sunny and cheerful! Another great Key West day in the making!
Someone has been commenting recently that I write too much about Key West weather. True, I do write a lot about it. But… must remember that weather was the driving force which brought most of us here. We wanted bountiful sun. What better place than Key West!
Additionally, the weather is part of my day. Part of the Key West experience. So it belongs in a blog about my life in Key West.
Finally, the weather is not always perfect in Key West. You will recall we have hurricanes! And tropical storms! I write about them, also. They are part of the Key West experience. You have not lived till you are forced to remain in a boarded up home for 3-4 days with power off and on, your food supply down to peanut butter and crackers, and no bottled water left. All the while it is black outside for 24 consecutive hours and the wind and rain are howling and beating.
I write about those things, also. They are part of my Key West experience.
So my friend Anne, whoever you are, I love you dearly. But…..I hope you now understand why I write about Key West weather, good, bad or indiffernt, as part of my daily blog. I thank you for reading the blog. Hopefully, some day we may meet. In Key West, of course.
Yesterday afternoon was a treat! I took Robert and Ally for their haircuts. Lisa was still under the weather.
They go to Lori, also.
Robert and Ally were fighting as to who would get their hair cut first. I solved the problem by flipping a coin.
Ally likes her hair long. At 5, soon to be 6, she knows what she wants! Lori cut it a big shorter yesterday and also put her hair in pigtails. I almost did not recognize Ally! I could see her face! Her whole face! She looked like a different person.
The three of us took a short walk on Duval afterwards. Fun!
Jenna and I were scheduled to do dinner and a movie last night. I canceled. I was too tired. Not from the haircuts, but from too much activity the past three days. We are back on for tonight.
I was in bed by five and had a long restful sleep.
Ally will be six years old wednesday. Today is her kids’ party. All girls. She wanted no boys. Ten years from now it will be a different story.
Ally telephoned me earlier this morning and invited me to today’s party. I told her I would stop in for a moment. I was too old to stay. She said she understood. I also told her I was a boy. She said no, I was not! I was Poppa!
Love her!
Getting back to the weather, summer is definitely here. Each day the humidity increases. It is where it is becoming uncomfortable. I am not complaining, just sharing. I am aware as to what is going on in the northwest.
Enjoy your day!
Sorry, Lou, I'm not the one commenting on your weather-fixation. To each his/her own… I personally prefer all 4 seasons with all their variety– hot or cold, rain or shine– something different to look forward to each and every day. We are a great showcase of all that here in CNY.
BTW, I will continue to comment if necessary– on your vocabulary (contingency…).
Anne – you are quite the noodge