Key West weather!
I apologize for talking about it so much. But it has never been better! We have had 5 consecutive months of warm days and cool evenings. Good for body, mind and soul!
Big lunch yesterday! Me and grandson Robert. Ally was at an all girls’ birthday party.
Robert and I finally made it to Mr. Z’s for Philly cheese steak sandwiches. Robert was excited.
The sandwiches were only so so. I thought after the first bite that No Name Pub’s were vastly superior. Mr. Z’s cheese was not to my liking. Robert looked at me after his first bite and said, “…this tastes like eggs.”
The sandwiches were good, but not great. Nevertheless, Robert and I had a terrific time. We sat at the bar. The tables were full. He enjoyed sitting at the bar. We talked of many things. Conversation non stop. Robert is an interesting person in development.
I started my Key West saturday evening early. Wanted to watch the Preakness with others. I headed over to Don’s Place.
I was pulling for Animal Kingdom. He ran a good race. Shackleford a better one. The Belmont is going to be interesting!
Next was the Chart Room.
Chatted with Michael a while. Valerie there. She was leaving to head over to Vino’s. She and husband Clayton own Vino’s on Duval.
Visited a while with Sean and Katherine. His parents are visiting. They were meeting them later at Santiagos for dinner. I like Sean and Katherine. Good people. Sincere people. Interesting people.
Customers are constantly coming and going at the Chart Room. A woman a couple of seats away at the bar said… are Key West Lou! I am thrilled when this happens. Her name was Terri. She and her husband Mark are here visiting.
Terri followed up her you are Key West Lou with….I read your blog every day! Wowie! Love it!
Terri and Mark are from South Dennis, New Jersey. About a ten minute drive from Stone Harbor. Stone Harbor was one of my summer haunts in days gone by. My beloved friend Doc Paladino had a place there and we vacationed with him a week or two every summer.
Terri and Mark are in the windshield replacement business. The economy is affecting their business also. People would rather get a ticket for a broken window than pay to replace one. The ticket is much cheaper.
Terri and Mark are not strangers to Key West. They visit a couple of times a year. Stay at the Pier House. Try to get the same room each visit. Ground level, just a few steps from the Chart Room. They also frequnet Vino’s. They bought one of the chairs at Vino’s bar. Their names are emblazoned on it.
I talked with a charming lady. Rita. A bit older than even me. She and her husband used to live in Key West in the 1960s. Now they do six months here and six months up north.
Rita told me she had been coming to the Chart Room for over forty years. She recalls in the 1960s when Jimmy Buffet was a non entity. He used to sit on a chair in the corner of the Chart Room and play for tips. Sometimes he was too loud and disruptive. Customers used to yell at him to shut up.
Little did they know!
I never got to eat. Instead, I returned to Don’s Place. Watched some of the Dallas playoff game with Kurt. I was home in bed and asleep before ten.
I wrote yesterday about Doomsday. According to some, the world was going to end. It did not. I was thinking this morning how many of this religious cult must be in a deep state of depression today.
Enjoy your day!
I love you Lou, though we have never met, u just keep going. From a fellow who loved and lived the Caribbean lifestyle on Statia (Google it) and Key West back in the early 80's. My plan is to move to the Keys when the wife retires, I am already a retired COP and working on getting the kids employed. Daughter 1 is a video game artist and worked on Assassin's Creed Brotherhood so one down I say.