I am not a happy camper!
Shoot me! Put me out of my agony!
I did not sleep last night. Not one minute.
Pain has joined the game. Not real pain. More like gross discomfort.
My temples feel like they are in a vise. One that gets periodically tightened. I am ready to confess!
My jaw aches. Upper and lower. My stomach is on the rough side.
I had stopped the pain pills tuesday. Took one at 2 this morning. Just took another. Minimal help.
My dentist said it would be bad for 2-3 days. Followed by two weeks of discomfort.
The sad part of all this is that we are not done with the surgery on the upper jaw. We still have to do the front. Oh !!!!!!!
The only benefit is that I have lost another two pounds. Makes for a total of seven since monday. Me and my blender!
I may write a short book on food preparation and a blendetr. Would be quite interesting. Yesterday I wanted a ham sandwich for lunch. Threw some ice in the blender, followed by ham, cheese, mustard and bread. Topped it with water. Voila! Tasted just like a ham sandwich!
Tonight bocce! I want to go. I want to play. I want to get out of the house!
If the blood is manageable and I do not look like Dracula after a meal, I will go.
One of the benefits of being in home confinement is that I have completed friday’s/tomorrow’s internet show a day early. Except for some fine tuning with Jenna later today, I am ready to go. Assuming of course I can talk for an hour straight tomorrow morning!
Great topics! Like Philip Morris’ CEO’s statement that it is not hard to stop smoking, Newt Gingrich’s candidacy and his oil company support, the Egyptian male convict who tried to eascape prison by dressing as a woman, Donald Trump to star in a comic book, ending big oil subsidies, poincianas, Utah and Arizona re show me your papers!, arbitration back before US Supreme Court with credit cards, federal monies available past 20+ years for autism where caused by childhood vaccine, US Navy stops chaplain training program for same sex marriages, Oregon Senate bans mail order suicide kits, Texas Senate ok’s guns on campus, Alaska and sex, children and hunger, Arizona weird dumb laws, Florida’s new inartfully drawn beastiality law, and more.
My plate is full! The show interesting! Join me over the internet at 10 am at http://www.konkbroadcasting.com/.
Thanks for your sympathetic get well soon emails. There are too many for me to respond personally. I apologize.
Enjoy your day! I hope mine improves!