The start of another great day!
The weather perfect!
Sun, slight wind, blue sky, blue water.
Key West is the best!
Yesterday was simple. I bummed it all day. Walked the Atlantic. Sipped coffee and read the Sunday papers at the Coffee House. Walked some more. This time Duval back and forth. Slowly. I was in no hurry.
I never made it to the Gardens. Donna and Terri went. They left me sitting outside by the water. My intentions were good. As usual. However, I was comfortable and serene and had no desire to move.
Last night was Academy Awards time.
I had only seen two of the top movies. The King’s Speech and The Social Network. Both impressed me.
I thought Colin Firth deserving of the Best Actor award.
James Franco and Anne Hathaway were dismal failures as hosts. From the gitgo. The two were incompatible. Neither had it last night.
It was good to see Kirk Douglas. A star from my time.
On the other hand, it was wrong to have him on the show in the manner he was utilized. His performance would have been more appropriate on the Letterman Show.
What I did not like did not affect my overall enjoyment of the evening. I am a typical American. I love the Academy Awards!
Enjoy your day!