Hello! Hello! Hello!
I am late today. It is almost 3 in the afternoon.
Computer problem. Then I had to hustle over to the station to do the Key West Lou Legal Hour. Followed by a visit to the dentist. My jaw was killing me!
Yesterday was actually a very good one.
I started the day with a scheduled visit to the dentist. Marisol worked on me. Her name is spelled correctly. The nurse with the great eyes! A beautiful woman. I finally saw her with the face mask off. 43. Married. Originally from Cuba. A charming personality.
I left the dentist’s office yesterday feeling terrific.
I fine tuned today’s show in the afternoon. Wrote a bit. Worked with Jenna. Even went to the movies last night. Saw Rite with Anthony Hopkins. A pretty good tense film. He is a hell of an actor!
In the middle of the night, I woke. Pain! The worst! Pain killer did not help. That is why the dentist visit this morning. Pain a bit better. Hope it gets all better soon. At one point today, I wanted to separate my head from my body!
I enjoyed doing the Legal Hour show this morning. I missed last week because of the dental surgery.
Key West weather continues to be fabulous. Around 80 degrees. No clouds. Just the right amount of breeze.
Come down and enjoy!
In the meantime, enjoy today’s moments!
I only wish I could come down and enjoy! Long range plans in about 9 years is to sell the land here and move down there.