Today is friday. Friday is radio time. The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
Listen in at KONK 1500 AM. Better yet, watch and listen world wide at 10 this morning.
I spent yesterday fine tuning the show and writing.
Visited Lisa and the grandkids later in the day. Robert proudly showed me his new tennis raquet. Ally is toying with the idea of playing also. She is not sure she wants to.
Bocce last night.
I forgot how long it had been since I last played. Five weeks! In between I had a trip to New York. Another to Phoenix. And for whatever reason, missed three other matches.
Initially my game showed it. I sucked most of the first game. Except for my last two shots. Everyone else carried me. But, we won handily.
The second game I started like a dynamo. I was back! We were ahead 10-0. We were lucky to win 16-13.
We lost the third game. Happily, however. The team we were playing prior to last night had only won 1 game all season. So their victory was a moment of joy for them!
I played with David, Keith, Michelle, Herschel and Erica. Good people all!
We had a good time!
Dino De Laurentiis died. The flamboyant Italian film maker.
He produced some of the really great movies of all time. Like one of my favorites War and Peace. Plus King Kong, La Strada, Ulysses, Barbella, Serpico, Three Days of the Condor, Ragtime and Conan the Barbarian.
Donna and Terri are on their way back. They should arrive tomorrow night. They will be my house guests through the first of the year. Terri has seven shows booked at La Te Da’s Crystal Room during that time.
Enjoy your day!
Erica wouldn't happen to be Erica from Kelly's would she?? If she is, say Hi.. Patrick and JoAnn