I am up early. There is a chill in the air. The cold front is coming in.
First one in a long time.
My radio show this morning. At 10. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Listen in on KONK 1500 AM radio. Watch and listen on the internet worldswide at www.konkam.com.
Should be a good show this morning! Interesting and stimulating topics! Like bullfighting! And judges bounced in Iowa for supporting gay marriage, marijuana failing to pass muster in California, some post election thoughts, weird dumb laws, criminals and a dumb lawsuit, a walk back in history with Reagan and the Berlin wall, and more.
My day started yesterday with another doctor visit. The third one this week.
I joined a gym yesterday. The one next to Don’s Place on Truman. Boxing and the tread mill. I plan on actually starting this afternoon.
It was manuicure time! Tammy at Lee Nails. They moved over the weekend. Still in the same plaza. Just a few doors down. Their landlord needed the space where they were for City offices.
What a beautiful place! Took my breath away when I walked in! Beyond Key West!
Beautiful earth and other tones. Great pics. The whole flavor is upscale. I wish Tammy and her husband good luck!
I spent the afternoon fine tuning today’s radio show. One hour of radio time generally takes 5-6 hours of preparation.
It was 5ish. I was getting ready for bocce. It started raining again. The afternoon had been dry. It was pouring. Don and David telephoned to say no bocce. The courts were flooded.
I decided to stay in and watch Howard Livingston’s new TV show Key West Time at 9.
I never got to watch the show. Howard’s new show is carried on channel 354. DirectTV. I do not get channel 354. I do not have DirectTV. I am a Comcast customer.
Strange how we become aware of simple things in the oddest way. It never connected before last night that I needed a different provider to watch Howard.
All is not lost, however! Starting today, Howard’s show is being carried on demand time. It can be seen at www.keywestime.com. I shall watch the show after my radio show.
It is getting cold! I am sitting at my kitchen counter writing this blog. The glass sliding doors facing the ocean are open behind me. I am chilled! The weather man says cold wave time through out the weekend. That means low to mid 70s by day. High 60s by night. Cool to us who live full time in the keys. Our blood has thinned. Warm to those in other parts of the country where the temperature at this time has dropped to as low as 20 degrees.
Please join in and listen to my radio show this morning.
Enjoy your day!