Yesterday was Sunday. A quiet one. A change from a week of Fantasy Fest events.
I hung around the house most of the day. Read the newspapers. Napped a bit.
In the late afternoon, I stopped by Lisa’s. My intent was to see the grandkids and then head over to Kate Miano’s Gardens.
I never made it to the Gardens.
Lisa convinced me to stay for dinner and then go tricking and treating with Robert and Ally.
I have not done the trick or treat routine in years. The last time was with Lisa and her sisters and brother when they were small. I used to take them out each halloween night. I would stand at the curbstone as the went up to a door to do their thing.
It was like 35 years later last night. It was!
We all went last night with Robert and Ally. Lisa, Corey, Cameron and me.
It was not quite what I expected. I anticipated throngs of kids running the streets. Visitng one house after another. Parents in the shadows.
We were out about an hour. Except for one other little girl, we were the only ones out! Never saw another kid!
I started wondering if halloween had changed.
The lack of child compatriots worked to Robert and Ally’s benefit. Everyone gave them extra goodies because no one was knocking at their door!
One home apparently had a young bachelor living there. He was all excited to greet Robet and Ally. Said they were his first halloween visitors in two years.
We hit two theatrically historical homes. Both on Duncan. Both within two blocks of Lisa’s.
One was Tennessee William’s former home. My friends Evan and Barbara live there. They were great to Robert and Ally.
The other was the house where the Rose Tattoo was filmed 50 plus years ago. The movie starred Burt Lancaster and Anna Mangani. The residents there were generous also.
Robert and Ally’s bags of goodies were getting heavy! I asked Ally if hers was too heavy for her. She said, “I’m not complaining!” Like an old lady! And kept saying it the rest of the night. She must have heard it somewhere and it connected. Five years old!
The evening brought back memories of when I accompanied my children. Oh, so long ago. But like yesterday.
Lisa said the reason there were no other kids around is that the parents take them to the more affluent areas like where I live. Key Haven. The goodies are appaently better.
I found out on my way home that Lisa was correct. At least that the kids had been transported to Key Haven to do their tricking and treating.
Key Haven is 3 islands up from Key West. Two and a half miles north of Key West.
As I drove onto the island, it was obvious how right Lisa was. For the first half mile into the island, there was no parking left on either side of the street. Vans and pick up trucks galore. The kids were literally being trucked to Key Haven.
The first two blocks were covered with children in costume and parents. More interestingly, the homeowners were prepared and waiting for the invasion. Most had tables set up on their porches and front lawns. Loaded with goodies. Mom and Pop sitting in lawn chairs behind the tables.
This was the place where all the Key West kids were!
No one has ever come to my home in Key Haven on halloween. Not becaise I am a ghoul. Rather because I live too far in on the island. They never make it.
Shades of yesteryear befell me!
At one point I ran into about 50 kids in the middle of the street. Boys and girls. All covered in white! Each spraying the other with shaving cream. They and the street itself were a mess.
They were older than grammar school kids. Younger than high school. Probaly middle school attendees.
It brought to memory when I did it.
I have to hustle. I have an early doctor’s appoinment this morning. I have another one tomorrow. That is what you do when you get old. You visit the doctor all the time.
Enjoy your day!
Big Pine Key. HUGE celebration for all the kiddies and adults too. Love the fact the streets are closed for traffic, people get together with all their kids and candy, celebrate and enjoy. Lou, you gotta get out more! It's HUGE up in Big Pine Key – people come down from Marathon for the party.
What a coincidence for us, we just watched The Rose Tattoo this weekend. We kept stopping the movie at the outdoor scenes, trying to figure out where they were filmed.
We also did the Google maps Street View of Duncan Street and located the Tennessee Williams home and the home where the movie was filmed.
We now can't wait for our February trip so we can walk down Catherine and see the homes close up.
In fact, one day of our visit is devoted to seeing the Willims home; then eat at El Siboney; and drink at Don's Place where you hang out. See you then!
Tom & Cindy