I am still in Phoenix. And so is the cold front.
It failed to rain yesterday as predicted. However the winds were strong. There are palm trees here as in Key West. They were bending in the wind.
When I purchased my Key West home 12 years ago, I had several large grown palm trees planted. I learned at the time that the palm trees came from Arizona. Yes, Arizona grows palm trees for reasale world wide. It surprised me that Florida did not grow its own palm trees, but rather imported them.
Because of the weather, the Grand Canyon trip did not take place. I am rescheduled for today. It is raining outside. Has rained all night. I am assuming the Grand Canyon will not be again today. Sad. It appears exciting. I have been looking forwad to it. A combination jeep and helicopter exploration.
I toyed with the idea of driving to Tombstone instead yesterday. Wanted to see OK Corral. Decided against it. A 3 hour drive each way.
Mike Yutzy telephoned me. Mike is a former Phoenecian. He now lives in Las Vegas. He reads the blog. Knew I was here at his old stomping grounds. He suggested I visit Old Scottsdale and Fashion Square.
I did.
The wow is for Fashion Square.
Fashion Square is a shoppoing mall. A big time one! I thoroughly enjoyed walking its corridors and stores.
Stores like Barneys New York, Dillard’s, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Gucci, Ferragamo and Tiffany’s. Magnificent! The best of the best!
Quite a contrast from Key West where Sears Roebuck and Ross are primary shopping places. But when tee shirts and shorts are the basic dress for the day any day, who needs or wants more!
Nevertheless, it is good periodically to surround yourself with better. Sort of a clothing fantasy fest.
I did a quick study of Fashion Square’s history. It is the largerst mall in Arizona. It is the largest mall in the southwest. Two million square feet of retail space. Rated one of the top ten most profitable malls in the United States.
And no wonder! Everything being sold was expensive. Very expensive! Its clientle equally affluent. Older. Mature. Obviously well heeled. The women dressed elegantly. Even the men. Expensive pants and shirts. Polo and Brooks Bothers.
The ladies were especially sharp. Many in dresses. Regardless of age, above the knee. Well above the knee. Tastefully. And boots! Many above the knee. Stylish indeed! And most were women 60 plus.
Last night I went to the movies again! I am on a movie kick!
Saw the Wall Street sequel with Michael Douglas. It had poor reviews. But I wanted to see it anyhow. I should have paid attention to the reviews. It moved too slowly. I fell asleep at some point and woke just as the movie was ending.
There is a Margaritaville in the piazza near my hotel. A big Margaritaville! Two stories high. And packed each evening. Jimmy Buffet should be proud!
Howard Livingston is my friend. He is in ascendancy. Another musical star coming out of Key West. Soon he will be starring in his own TV show about the keys. On Direct TV. Going into 32 million homes at one time! A big deal!
I thought of Howard as I walked by Margaritaville last night. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if some day this country was covered with Mile Marker 24 restaurants!
It could happen!
Johnny Sheffield died yesterday. Who was Johnny Sheffield? Boy in the early Johnny Weismuller Tarzan films of the late 1930s and early 1940s. Tarzan’s adopted son. Sheffield did not become an adult actor. Instead he went off to college and got a business degree. He ended up a successful realtor and contractor. He was 79.
Enjoy your day!
Huumm, I guess I'm missing something again, normal.. MM24 ?? Isn't Boondocks and Looe Key Tiki bar at about MM 24 ?? Maybe its just a kewl sounding name..
Patrick and JoAnn
What shoes did you buy me yesterday? Have a fun trip!
Boondocks is MM27.5
If you lived here, you would know…. sad. Not that anyone from Key West ventures off the island to Looe Key or Boondocks unless they are on their way to Miami to shop.
As for a REAL shopping mall, please! Why do you think REAL CONCHS leave to go to Miami to shop?! Because Sears and Kmart and Ross (aka Cross dressing for less) are a JOKE! We get the crap leftover from their mainland stores and it isn't fashionable or decent.
Thank GAWD for the internet for shopping! Otherwise we Key West natives wouldn't have anything decent. And sorry Lou, T-shirts and cutoffs don't cut it in Key West if you work – you should dress to impress not to be confused as a street bum.
I know where those restuarants are, the reason for phrasing the question as I did.. I just think they may happen to be about the closest to that MM except for maybe Sguare Grouper or the sandwich shop..I don't recall much at that location,but, it is a neat sounding name for anything. Afterall, it may not even be named for that highway..Patrick and JoAnn
Howard's band is named for his accomodations. Howard lives on Summerland Key @ MM 24. If you had watched the Wx Channel at Christmas you would knew that. His kid won the "White Christmas Anywhere" contest.
…and the Square Grouper is at MM 22 on Cudjoe Key in front of our house. It's the best place east of Kew West !!
The Galley Grill beats the Square Grouper hands down!
OK, I guess thats what I missed.. I was thinking about resturants named MM24, We have heard Howards MM24 band.. I didn't know thats where he lived,, it makes sense now, thanks..We now stay within walking distance of the Tiki bar and Boondocks and are getting to know that area better. Patrick and JoAnn
Love the eggs benedict at the Galley Grill. I agree it too is quite good. Different ambiance, of course. Oh wait….it's the Keys. There's no such thing as ambiance…it's a different kinda' place.