Good morning!
Welcome to Friday!
And my radio show! The Key West Lou Legal Hour!
10 am this morning. Available for listening on the radio. From Key Largo to Havana, Cuba. KONK 1500 AM. Everywhere else world wide, on the intertnet http://www.konkam/, where you can see as well as hear.
A good show today! Intertesting topics! Like a Senegal court that recently forbade children from being used as beggars, the saga of Albert Greenwood Brown on death row, the case of the cell phone secreted in the villan’s butt, Ohio weird dumb laws, a walk back in history with Harry Truman and a letter to his daughter Margaret, some odd ball things about Indonesia and how it treats its women, a Muslim offering you his left hand, a look at mortgage foreclosure lawusits, the weird dumb lawsuit of the week, Russia and neo Nazis, a Rutgers freshman jumps off the George Washington bridge, stimulus dollars from Eisenhower to Obama, and an Arizona update.
A full program. Much to talk about.
I am glad Nicole was fickle and decided not to visit Key West. From the looks of Washington, DC and New York this morning, Key West would have been flooded. Boat time on the island. Not in the water.
Key West has had more than its fair share of hurricanes and tropical storms over the past 10 years. It is good to finally be ignorred.
I started ysterday with a haircut. Lori! At Blown Away! A nice girl. Lovely. Always cheerful.
Then I hurried home. I had not completed preparations for today’s radio show. I was only half way there. Worked till almost 3 when I had a dentist appoinment.
My dentist is Dr. George Lindner. A nice guy. Great staff.
I had lost half a cap. The diet! I am supposed to eat nuts. I did. Cracked a cap.
Easy to fix. No big deal. Just time consuming. I had no time yesterday. The radio show preparation was not complete.
I hurried home after the dentist to work on the show some more. I had decisions to make. Bocce was last night. It was Lisa’s birthday. Bocce lost.
I telephoned Don and told him I would be a no show for bocce. Completed my work on today’s radio show.
Then hurried out to celebrate Lisa’s birthday. We did it big time! At the rib place on the boulevard behind Checkers.
I colored with Ally. We played tick, tac, toe. Tied. She is getting good!
Then they went to their home and my mine. I had more on my plate before bed.
My supplemental insurance and drug program had been cancelled this week. Just found out yesterday. So I needed to get some coverages. Opted to try AARP programs.
Six telephone calls and 4 1/2 hours later, I had the drug coverage. After the radio show today, I will work on the doctor part.
Nothing is simple in this world today. All 800 and 888 numbers. No one person knowing everything. Time wasted waiting for a body to pick up at the other end. I think I ended up in India. My last and best person to deal with was named Pim.
I leave for New York tomorrow morning for a week. Actually, Utica in upstate New York. My hometown. I will be writing from Utica starting Sunday morning. I hope to do my radio show next Friday from there also.
Enjoy your day! Try to listen to the radio show at 10 this morning!
Have a good show Lou, I will try to listen from work if possible. And safe journey north. I always enjoy how occasionally your blog opens the floodgates of comment. You are obviously well read and Key West a fantasy for many.
Darn! I forgot to listen!
Have a great trip up North as I head down South!
have a good trip to ny lou ! i have never been to ny, but would love to go sometime. it would be country comes to town ! sunny and getting cool! 81 degrees in columbia,sc…………BYRDMAN