Howard Livingston!
Premier entertainer!
A star!
More importantly, my friend. Before he was famous. Now that he is a success.
It was announced recently that Howard is going to be the Grand Marshall of the Fantasy Fest Parade. Good for you, Howard! Congratulations!
Four years ago Howard decided to sponsor a float in the Fantasy Fest parade for that year. He telephoned and asked if I wanted to be on the float. Did I! I had never been! Yes, I swiftly responded!
It was an experience!
The float had a hippie theme from the 1960s. Howard costumed us all. I wore a psychedelic tee shirt with a large crazy hat. Each of us on the float had a part to play. Mine was twofold. To throw beads, of course. And suck on an Arab dope pipe at the appropriate time.
The float had a musical theme to it. A big moment for the float was when we were before the Judges’ stand. We had about 2 minutes to do our thing. Howard jumped into the street, played his guitar and sang. My responibility was to suck on that pipe! It was one of those huge vases with tubes coming out. One of those tubes was in my mouth. Howard’s admonition before the parade while we were pracicing was to suck really hard when we were before the Judges’ stand. Suck I did! I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out!
Unfortunately the pipe was empty! I was sucking nothing!
Howard’s float won the Best Musical Float award! Four years later he is Grand Marshall!
I am proud of you, Howard!
There were a few interesting things which occurred during the parade.
We threw out to the screaming crowd 22,000 beads. A lot of beads! I was totally exhausted at the end of the parade from tossing a portion of them. It was work. For real!
I expected to see many bare boobs and other intimate female parts. All in solicitation of beads. Forget it! Hands up to receive the beads, yes. Bare breasts, no. I was disappointed!
There was a woman standing next to me on the float. I had seen her around Key West. Did not know her name. We were sort of partners in tossing beads.
She was scantily attired. A couple of pasties on her nipples A bikini bottom. Nice to look at!
A week later, I was at the Symphony. I saw her in the lobby. I walked over, smiled and said it was good to see her….. with her clothes on. She looked at me strangely. Later I saw her at intermission. What the hell! I went over and said the same thing to her again. Politley again, of course. She was with her husband or boy friend. I repeated the words quietly to her and walked on.
A few minutes later some one grabbed my arm. It was her! What are you talking about, she asked! Firmly! I smiled and told her. Turns out it was not her! Not who I thought she was! She was not the woman on the float with me!
I could not find a hole deep enough to jump in! Embarassed!
I explained to her and the gentleman with her who turned out to be her husband.
At the end, they both laughed. Fortunately for me! The episode brought us together and we are best friends to this day. Strange how life works!
I was at the new County Courthouse yesterday. First time. What a beautiful building! The people of Key West and Monroe County should be proud.
I ran into one of Key West’s top attorneys, Mick Barnes. Charming as well as talented.
Karen of Karen and David is one of my best friends. She works in the Courthouse.
I was sitting at a table in the hallway. Karen came out of the ladies room, looked at me, turned and walked away. Feel bad Karen that you did not recognize me nor aknowledge me. Maybe it was because I was dressed. Jacket, shirt and long pants.
I lunched at Hogfish. Read the newspapers. Such a relaxing atmosphere!
I became extremely tired in the afternoon. I suspect it is one of my heart pills. The beta blocker seems to have a cumulative effect on me. I will get suddenly tired and be tired for several hours. I ended up going to bed and sleeping for two hours.
I stopped at Lisa’s on the way into town last night. The grandkids were just finishing their baths.
We talked.
I asked Robert what was new in school. He is in the first grade at Montessori. He said he was Laundry Technician for the week. Laundry Technician? Yes. What is that? Turns out the students use clothe napkins at lunch. He collects them, takes the name tags off and returns them to the teacher. She in turn takes them home and washes them each evening.
Robert said last week he was the Copy Writer. What does a copy writer do? Writes copy Robert said laughingly. A comedian in the making! As Copy Writer, his responsibility is to go to the copy machine daily and make whatever copies are necessary for whatever.
Ally piped in. She is at Montessori in kindergarten. She was not to be outdone by her brother. I am the Duster! It is her week to dust the class room each day.
Then to the Chart Room.
One of the Chart Room regulars is Sheila. Sheila of trolley car fame! She drives one for a living!
I read in Facebook yesterday that she is have a total hysterectomy next week. I wrote and offered to help in any way. Take her to the hospital, sit with her, whatever. Sheila only has a bike. Can’t see her coming home from the hospital on a bike!
I also commented, perhaps lamented is the better word, that we would never be able to make a baby because of her surgery! Assuming at my age of course that my sperm can still swim!
I saw Sheila at the opposite end of the Pier House parking lot when I arrived. She was walking with Sean and Katherine. Sheila shouted across the parking lot…..” I want to make a baby with you!”
Charming. A lovely person. I wish her well next week.
Dinner was at the bar at The Hot Tin Roof. John manages the restauant. He was all excited. His Wisconsin tem has won three straght games! They are ranked in the top ten!
John was also excited by business last night. Things are slow this time of the year in Key West. Very slow. Many restaurants close down for the month.
John did 74 meals last night! The place was packed!
Radio show time tomorrow morning. 10 am. KONK 1500 AM radio. Live for viewing on the internet at Tune in for The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Interesting and informative!
Enjoy your day! Time for me to run to the TV to watch President Clinton on Morning Joe.
Oh gee the attorney shows us that not only sucking on a hookah pipe is okay but tolerated even during the outlandish Fantasy Fest.
No wonder there is a push to ban it and Poker Run from Key West. The residents of Old Town are not happy in how Fantasy Fest has become a drunken party full of fat women in body paint and ugly men leering at boys in drag.
I hope they win the fight as the torment to the residents and problems for the police have really gotten worse.
Key West is becoming a sick joke where you go to party. Last year a stabbing death at Fantasy Fest was the final straw. Or how about the obese lady giving her ugly hubby a BJ on Greene Street in front of the everyone, children included. Lovely way to say hello to the cruise ship tourists. What can happen next? Don't ask.
Now many of the hotels and vacation rentals realize no amount of deposit will cover the damage inflicted by these drunken idiots. I know of a few vacation rentals requiring not only age 25 and up, no college kids but three times the rental for a deposit with no refund if you cancel.
Take that Key West and put it in your Arab pipe and do with it what you want.
We Old Town residents are tired of all the crap. Fantasy Fest is a dream that died 10 years ago. Did you not get the memo? It's over being fun and now just about the money. Tell that to Rossi and the gang!
Hey Louis! Just wanted to second the comment made yesterday on the Crazy Shirt T-shirts. You'd love 'em, good quality, heavy fabrics and I have some that I've had for 10 yrs. One I love in particular is "wine dyed", another "coffee", they really smell when you first get them too!
And, I have to say, I've never seen you in anything that could possibly be called 'tacky'.
Keep up the good work and don't let the schmucks get you down!
C in CR
Boy, this guy is nasty. Doesn't like Fantasy Fests, doesn't like Blow Jobs, doesn't like fat women and ugly guys in drag, doesn't like drunks, probably doesn't like himself; but, he likes those damn cruise ship people?
It may not be a guy…..doesn't like a BJ? Suspicious…….indeed
You must be the only guy ever to attend Fantasy Fest and not see a set of breasts LOL. My wife and I are coming down to Fantasy fest for the 5th year in a row.My wife is neither fat,ugly, ever been body painted,stab anyone or given a BJ on the street. We stay at the best hotels when we are in town and spend an average of $300 per day on activites,food and drinks.Beacuse of FF we now visit the island other times of the year and spend money. There are always a few rotten apples in all big festivals or events. These people should be deal with harshly by the law but there are others like us who are respectful and hope we have a positive impact on the island. When you paint with a broad brush, you never see the true picture of how things really are. Lou, hope to meet you at the chart room this year.