Wienerpalooza is an example why many opt to live in Key West.
Today the day! A wiener wonderland. The annual Dachshund Parade.
Begins at 11:45 at the Custom House. Finishes at 135 Duval for the “after parade party.”
The weather will not be cooperative. Winter cold descends upon Key West tomorrow. The high 63 and low 50. Trust me, the weather will not discourage participants from the parade and party. Rarely is anything permitted to interfere with fun in Key West.
The weather sunday will not be much better: 58 high, 56 low
A slight improvement monday: high 69, low 66.
Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The admonition following 1945 and to this day: May it never happen again!
However, it has. There have been more than 40 genocides worldwide since the end of World War II.
I find it difficult to understand why Biden’s popularity is at such a low ebb. He has accomplished much. He has failed in certain areas also. However overall his record is on the favorable side.
His most recent accomplishment involves the GDP. It was announced yesterday the U.S. economy had expanded. The GDP grew 5.7 percent over the past year.
Its highest growth since 1984.
GoFundMe has sitting in its bank account $6 million raised for the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy. A well planned event. Truckers from all parts of Canada are joining together to protest vaccine mandates.
GoFundMe says it is merely checking things out before passing on the funds.
The actual dollars raised $6,033,210. Received from 77.6 thousand donors.
Enjoy your day!
Thank you
Biden’s popularity is at such a low ebb, because that his ALWAYS the Republican’s single biggest effort – and they spent millions to make sure it happens, above all else.
Remember Jimmy Carter’s popularity?
Remember Bill Clinton’s popularity?
Remember Barack Obama’s popularity?
Everyone one of them were attacked relentlessly, no matter what. The one consistent thing EVERY Democrat leader can expect is attacks his/her “popularity” image.
If you wonder why we have empty shelves and other supply chain issues, look no further than the over the road truckers (Canadian and American). These guys are dying of Covid in far greater numbers than the general population. Why is that – they won’t vax and they won’t mask – and they won’t work/
Only Covid can fix stupid.