Services were held for Colin Powell yesterday.

Every service for a national leader is accompanied with emotion. Each a bit different. Each service intended to clearly reveal the nature of the person being honored.

Powell’s service was different. Without question, very different. It reflected more the man’s personal life than his professional one.

Most, if not all, watching had to be touched. I am not ashamed to admit the tears flowed more than normal. I checked with friends afterwards to get their reaction as they watched. Each the same. A teary eyed experience.

One of the stories told took place when Powell was Secretary of State. The Harlem Globetrotters were visiting him in his office. Several of the players formed a circle. Powell was part of it. They were tossing a basketball back and forth.

Everytime it was passed to Powell, he dropped it. Finmally one of he players asked why he was constantly dropping the ball. Powell’s honest response one for the books: “While you were shooting hoops, I was stealing hubcaps.”

Another story involved what I recall was acar owned by Powell’s son. Powell enjoyed tinkering with cars. He thought he knew everything about them.

The son’s car was making a noise. Powell spent a weekend eliminating the noise. Totally removed the engine. He had all kinds of hoists to assist him.

When Powell thought he had the problem fixed, he put the car back together.

The noise was gone. Another problem was evident, however. The car would only drive backwards.

Powell decided to take the car to a mechanic whose business was 3 miles away. Powell drove the car backwards the whole 3 miles.

Came across an interesting quote today: “Love, and be happy, and make others so.”

The quote in itself warm and sensitive. There was a uniqueness, however. The line comes from a book written by Mary Shelly: A character in the book spoke the line: The book Frankenstein.

Shelly was questioned as to what the line meant. She said it helped answer the question on the meaning of life. She was suggesting everyone should be “compassionate.”

The Weather Department has issued its forecast re what the Keys is to expect. Dry and warm.

The reason has to do with Los Ninos. Rather than a horrible season weather wise, Los Ninos would bring above average temperatures across the south and eastern seaboard this winter.

I have had the initial two shots. Two weeks ago today, the booster.

My doctor advises it takes two weeks to be sure the booster shot is performing as it should.

It is two weeks ago I received the booster shot.

Ergo, it is back to the highway for me today. Actually, this evening. I am going out! Can’t wait. The quarantine was getting to me.

Don’t know where I will go or what I will do. However rest assured I will do something!

Enjoy your day!



  1. Hey Lou, when Biden was asked about $400,000 payments to illegal aliens separated at the boarder he said that was garbage and wouldn’t happen. Now after his puppet master has spoken to him he is backtracking those statements and admitting it may happen. Who the heck is controlling Biden’s puppet strings.

      • You are off base this time. Biden was on TV yesterday. Very upset with what you have written. A reporter basically asked him the same thing. There is no fixed number yet. He believes however that where Trump separated children from parents and kids cannot be found, the parents are entitled to reparations. Makes sense to me.

        • Of course it would make sense to you Lou, you are normal and reasonable, unlike others who would rather whip this into something political and then of course wrong, the truth be damned.

          Be afraid Lou, be afraid that a few wrongfully harmed humans would receive any compensation, there by somehow limiting other fat billionaires of even more money in their own pockets.

        • Of course it would make sense to you Lou, you are normal and reasonable, unlike others who would rather whip this into something political and then of course blaming Biden, the truth be damned.

          Be afraid Lou, be afraid that a few wrongfully harmed humans would receive any compensation, there by somehow limiting other fat billionaires of even more money in their own pockets.

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