On May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary became the first man to reach the top of Mount Everest. He was accompanied by his guide Tenzing Norgay.
A monumental feat! Everest 29,029 feet.
Many had tried before Hillary. None succeeded. A successful climb thought to be impossible. Today, a piece of cake.
They climb by the hundreds. Last year 807. Many at one time. More expected this year.
There is a picture taken this week floating about the internet. It shows an approximate quarter mile of climbers standing next to each other as they wait to make the last part of their ascent. The photo shows the climbers at the top and runs down vertically to those standing in deep snow and cold waiting to move forward.
The climb is as deadly today as when Hillary accomplished it in 1953. Climbers are subjected to lethal conditions. Primarily frostbite and altitude sickness.
Not all make it to the top. Not all make it back down. They die both on ascent and decent.This past week alone 10 have died. Male and female.
One man died while standing in line to make it to the top. The line had not moved in 12 hours. He died standing in place.
A dangerous sport! A true accomplishment!
Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. Parades, parties, cookouts, etc. A federal holiday. The purpose of Memorial Day to remember and honor those who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Memorial Day always celebrated on the last monday in May.
Typically, the President on Memorial Day appears at Arlington Cemetery and places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Trump will not be there. Instead he is in Japan attending as he described it “a very big event.” Represented to him as bigger than the Super Bowl. The crowning of the new Emperor.
Trump will also be attending a banquet honoring the Emperor Naruhito.
In addition, the finale of Japan’s Grand Sumo Wrestling Tournament.
The trip more pleasure than official. Trump says some negotiating will go on re tariffs since he wants a better deal for the U.S.
I am going to get a lot of adverse mail. I believe Trump’s place on monday should be at Arlington Cemetery paying homage to those who died in the service of our country. It is the President’s place on Memorial Day. Those lying beneath the white crosses so perfectly lined might cause Trump to realize that they who lay beneath made it possible for him to stand there as President. I might also add that many who lie at Arlington died in our war with Japan.
It might also serve to make Trump think twice before he decides to commit American troops to another war on a foreign land. We are in 17 already. We do not need another.
Trump is AMERICA FIRST. His line. During the campaign and since. He must have forgotten.
Canadian blogger Ian Welsh in a recent article made 2 observations re Trump.
First, “The presence of Trump in the White House is an unprecedented emergency and an enormous support of anxiety, and real day to day stress.”
The other, “My way, or the highway to apocalypse.”
Love the last line.
Never made it out last night. Perhaps tonight.
Enjoy your day!
Overcrowding on Mt Everest and the Keys are both symptoms of the same problem, World overpopulation.
Actually, I think it’s a sign of too many people going to Mt Everest and the Keys.
Trump is not and never was America first. He is strictly Trump first. That is just a political phrase he uses because he knows his loyal blind followers want to hear. What he also knows is they will believe anything he says. Sad.
So true… just a publicity stunt that worked out for him and against a great nation.
The history of sitting presidents attending ceremonies at Arlington is really interesting. Herbert Hoover attended in 1929, but a sitting president did not attend again until Gerald Ford in 1975. Since then attendance by Presidents has been sporadic. Clinton attended every year of his presidency. Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush never went. George W. Bush and Barrack Obama each missed a year.
This year Donald Trump will be traveling on Memorial Day and will miss the ceremony. Instead, he and Milania made an unannounced visit to Arlington two days ago to participate with the U. S. Army’s famed Old Guard in placing flags at graves of the fallen.
It would seem to me that a president woh campaigned on America First, wants a major militiary ta do on the 4th of July and had a hissy fit when a football player took a knee during the national anthem, should apper at least, to. Want to support our fallen military hero’s on Memorial Day. But then this is Trump, who does whatever he wants and just doesn’t seem to understand hypocrisy.
The trip more pleasure than official.
The pleasure is all ours…any time he leaves our soil.