A good evening at the Chart Room! Interesting people, fun people.

Met Tim and Maureen Harvey from Clarksville, Tennessee. Both 50ish. Tim an attorney. Maureen manages his firm. She has done so from day one. They have two married daughters.

Tim and Maureen read this blog daily. Love them!

They have visited Key West several times over the years. Qualify for snowbird status. They are presently here for one month. June Hudson an acquaintance.

Tim mentioned he was a Democrat. One of three remaining in Tennessee. I am proud of him!

Nice people! Hope we can get together again before they leave. They have been Chart Room fans for a number of years. Know Captain Peter.

I was also lucky to chat with Amy last night. She is a bartender/hostess at the Yacht Club. My former club. She started working there about the time I left. Lovely and interesting. Another person I would like to meet again.

Before hitting the Chart Room, attended the Friends of the Key West Library program at St. Paul’s Church. Novelist Les Standiford guest speaker. He has written some best sellers. Among them, Last Train in 2003. The story of Henry Flagler and the Overseas Railroad. The book is now in its 20th edition.

Standiford’s most recent book is Desperate Sons. A story of the American Revolution. The book identifies the radicals who fomented the American Revolution. Men like John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry.

I found most interesting his telling us that the colonists who pushed for the Revolution were not those who led the country thereafter government wise. Two separate talents. Each effective however at the time needed.

Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Interesting and exciting topics. Eye openers. Topics this evening include my thoughts re Senator Tom Cotton who penned the letter signed by 46 Republican Senators to Iran, Venezuela being rabble roused by Maduro who tells his people the United States is on the verge of invading Venezuela, the bad guys have found another place to launder dirty money, and police quotas being for real.

I have considered Senator Ted Cruz a radical, bit of a nut. No longer.

I watched Cruz on Morning Joe today. Was I impressed! He is articulate and thoughtful. An excellent speaker. Expresses himself well. Able to respond to questions without bullshit.

Cruz seeks the Republican nomination for President. Whether he can get it, another story. Whatever, he set forth his conservative thoughts well. My problem is I do not trust these guys. As far as I am concerned, they are under the thumb of the one percent and corporate America.

Enjoy your day!


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