The weather continues to be great! Better than most years at this time. Mornings are especially interesting. No breeze what so ever. Palm trees hanging. Water mirror calm. The day mid 70s. No humidity.
Leisurely walked Duval yesterday. Many blocks have Christmas wreaths on the light poles. They convey a more Christmasy feeling than normal.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about two events taking place in Key West that I had learned about for the first time. Some reader commented that I should not live in Key West if I do not know about those things.
It is impossible to know everything about this island. Especially the going ons. During the weekends, there at least 10-12 events on friday and saturday. Some new, some old. During the week, several each evening. Impossible to keep up. My blog is not a social/events calendar.
Anyhow, now comes something new to me. Perhaps old to others. I was not aware nor had I ever heard it before. We hear the names of many famous people who lived in Key West for certain periods of their lives. Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, etc. Thomas Edison! Why his time in Key West is not more publicized, I do not know.
During World War I, Edison resided in the Little White House. He was donating his services to the war effort. While in Key West, he perfected 41 weapons.
Live and learn. I do.
Love the Spectrelles! A Key West female singing trio. Do not see them often enough. This evening they are appearing at San Carlos. A Christmas show.
I mentioned the other day that The Big Ten Sports Pub had been sold. I did not know who the new owner was. It was sold. The deal did not go through. John Lukas is back running the Pub. A better person than John does not exist.
Syracuse basketball tonight. Syracuse plays Colgate. Syracuse should win. I wish Syracuse could play every game as well as they did the first half against Villanova. A dream.
What a diet! I have now lost 24 pounds! The diet is an improvisation on my part. I am a yo yo. This diet I like. I have spent my life going up and down weight wise. The diet is a bit of this and that from past diets I was on.
Enjoy your day!
Edison made some of his very first films in Key West of the burial of those from the USS Maine.