Today…..The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten my time this morning. Airs on TV on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. From Key West through Miami-Dade County. Available world-wide via the internet.
Watch. An interesting show this morning.
Topics include Fifty Shades of Grey, how cell phones are aiding in the apprehension of wrongdoers, an Ohio criminal defendant who asked the Judge if he could smoke one more joint, the female Hindu dentist who died in Ireland because of a religion not her own, a dirty old lady, and more.
Thanksgiving yesterday! I over ate. Never changes. Every year the same.
Two dinners may have contributed.
Thanksgiving dinner was at Lisa’s at one. A terrific meal! The turkey and everything that goes with it! Robert and Ally excited. They are into holidays big time. Robert wore long pants, a tie and real shoes. Ally was dressed in her best finery.
It was family time.
Afterwards, I fell asleep in the easy chair at Lisa’s. I tried to watch football. To no avail. The stomach was full and the body tired.
At six I had dinner at Stan and Clara’s. Ate again, but not as much. Stan and Clara had the big Thanksgiving spread, also. Two turkeys! One smoked and the other marinated before cooking. Tried both, of course. Delicious!
I did Thanksgiving with Stan and Clara’s family. Included Clara’s parents. And Herschel, Ericka, Boomer and Kathy.
I filled up twice yesterday. I should have slept well last night. I did not. Toss and turned. Kept waking up.
One nice thing about living on open water is that the wind off the ocean greets you every morning. Normally pleasant. Not this morning. Cold! Temperature dropped to 62 during the evening. I turned the heat on.
The weather by day is in the low 70s. Cold to us who live in Key West full time. The blood has thinned.
Bocce tonight. A make up game. It is going to be cold! Temperature during the games will be in the high 60s. The bocce courts are located about 300 feet off the Atlantic. The breeze off the ocean will be blowing in. Cannot escape it.
Again, please watch my show at 10. A nice way to start a friday morning.
Enjoy your day!