Republicans seem to want to take things away from the American people. Not add to what have been accepted freedoms.
The big issue in recent years has been voting. Republicans dominate state legislatures. They have passed a multitude of bills which have become laws to limit voting rights.
They are now engaged in a new game. Pass laws punitive in nature to restrict protesting.
Republican lawmakers in 34 states have introduced 81 anti-protest bills.
A few examples.
Oklahoma and Iowa have passed bills granting immunity to drivers whose vehicles strike and injure protesters on public streets. A proposal in Indiana would bar anyone convicted of unlawful assembly from holding state employment. Minnesota has a bill pending that would prohibit those convicted of unlawful protesting from receiving student loans, unemployment benefits or housing assistance. Florida’s Governor DeSantis has proudly proposed a set of “anti-riot” bills that limit the right to protest.
Thus far during the 2021 state legislative sessions, already twice as many anti-protesting bills have been introduced than at any other time.
Democracy is a fleeting thing on the Republican side of the aisle.
Former police officer Chauvin was found guilty yesterday of all 3 counts in the George Floyd killing. Excitement abounds in the land. Properly so. However people should not think the tide has turned when it comes to police shootings.
The single most important thing in Floyd’s murder was there were cameras. Cell phone ones and police body cameras.
If the cameras had not filmed the event, the trial result could have gone the other way. As it has in most previous cases of this nature.
My point is without videos, convictions will continue to be difficult. The Chauvin conviction was a rare moment in justice.
Another issue to be contended with is qualified immunity. I am not sure it came up in Chauvin’s trial. It does in 99 percent of police shooting cases, however. Almost a total bar to conviction.
The doctrine of qualified immunity protects law enforcement officers from individual liability, unless the official violated a clearly established constitutional right. There are rights that are not clearly established constitutional ones. Like the right to be free from coercive police force, even if the act is clearly unlawful.
The preceding example is one where it is difficult, if not impossible, to hold a police officer accountable for wrong doing.
The doctrine of qualified immunity has to go in order for true justice to result.
Nuts springing up everywhere. People who want to kill elected representatives. A trial in federal court in Brooklyn begins this week where the defendant threatened to murder members of Congress.
The defendant is Brendan Hunt of New York City.
Hunt did not participate on January 6. He was not in Washington. However two days after, Hunt posted a video online. His statements: “Kill our Senators…..We need to go back to the U.S. Capitol ahead of Biden’s inauguration and slaughter members of Congress…..If anyone has a gun, give it to me…..I’ll go there myself and shoot them and kill them.”
A legal issue may be involved. Free speech v. illegal threats.
Hunt has been charged with one count: Threatening to murder members of Congress. Conviction carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.
How swiftly news moves these days. Within minutes, we are aware of what has gone on anywhere in the world. It was not so when Abraham Lincoln ws killed.
Lincoln died in Washington on April 15. It took six days for news of his death to reach Key West. The news did not arrive till April 21.
Monroe County continues to be at a “very high risk” level for coronavirus. Twenty six percent in the County have been fully vaccinated. Forty percent have received at least one dose.
You’ve got to love the Citizens’ Voice in the Key West Citizen. Residents calling an issue as they see it.
The cruise ship problem continues. It is expected the Florida legislature will in effect kill the referendum result. The cruise ship lines and certain Key West businesses will have won out over the vote of the people.
A comment directed to the issue in this morning’s Citizen: “State legislature says it is not right for 10,000 votes in Key West to put limits on cruise ships, but 160 State legislators think it is ok to tell the voters of Key West that we can’t limit the size of cruise ships.”
Back to the doctor today. My left foot acting up again. Something has to be wrong. My left ankle looks like it is full of fluid. Whereas the right one is normal. And of course, there is pain with every step.
Enjoy your day!
Yes, Republicans sure have a way about complaining they are always losing their freedoms, yet spend most to their time legislating restrictions. I am getting tired of their constant bullsh*t.
Cancel culture my azz, it’s about them always lying and always cheating.
Violent protesting should be illegal unless, unless of course, you are a Republican trying to overthrow our Government and overturn a fair and honest election that you lost.
It’s about time for cameras outside all over. The street, parking lots, where ever muggers and thieves hang out. Then when one of them gets hurt the whole scene will be recorded.
That was attempted years ago. Republicans said no, that it was too “big brother.”
This should not be a problem unless you have something to hide.
This is a BIG problem if it is something Democrats are proposing and your are a Republican.