It cannot be denied. Last night was great basketball! Both teams should be proud. Unfortunately, both teams could not win.
From my perspective, the game was won by Duke in the last 5 minutes and won because of coaching. Krzyzewski slowed his team down. They held onto the ball and did not attempt a shot till there was only 7-8 seconds left on the shot clock. Duke only had a 3 point lead when they started playing in this fashion. Turned out it was the thing to do. Duke won by 5 points.
One negative re the game. Wisconsin coach Bo Ryan’s interview comments following the game. He was hurt. Dejected. Two years in a row he had been to the final game and lost.
Ryan’s bitterness showed in his comments re the refereeing. He thought not enough nor proper foul calls were made when his guys were being pushed around.
I did not see it, could not agree. Yes, it was a hard fought game. Neither team had a referee calling advantage or anything else, however.
Bo Ryan is a great coach. He will be back. He probably regrets his comments this morning.
My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me.
Topics include California’s water problem and Nestles, another police shooting full of apparent lies by the police officers involved, a Monsanto employee inadvertently revealing Monsanto has a whole department dedicated to destroying anything and anyone who speaks out against Monsanto, Iceland’s dramatic success in handling banks, and more.
Sloppy Joe’s. Began at the present location of Captain Tony’s on Greene Street, then moved to its present location on Duval. The Key West Citizen’s This Date in History section indicates the move occurred on this date in 1935. I think the date is wrong. It was May 5, 1937.
Whatever, it is easy to make a mistake re historical facts. I know.
The weather has been outstanding and will continue to be so the rest of this week. Mid 80s. Still not humid.
I fell two weeks ago and injured my left hip. Would you believe, it still hurts! I could not lie in bed for 10 days. Had to sleep in a recliner chair. Not the best, but better than the bed. The last 3 nights I have slept in bed. Only half the night. The pain moves me back to the recliner chair.
The hip was x-rayed. No fracture.
Interesting is the bruising. Note, I am on a blood thinner. The bruising began two days after the fall. It is an expanding bruise. It now covers my entire left hip and buttock. Has moved along my lumbar back and appears on the right buttock. The bruise also runs down the side of my left leg and then moves around behind the left knee. Every place a deep purple.
I have never seen such bruising on my body before. Though I have seen it. My father fell a lot and had similar bruises. No question, I am my father’s son.
Buffalo’s Bob Saraceno arrives today. A loyal Key West Lou fan. We are scheduled to meet friday night at the Chart Room.
Enjoy your day!