Today special for Americans. Even with all the the strife confronting our governments and people. One thing must be kept in mind. Each side believes they are doing right. That they are on the side of God and country.
It is Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
By law, celebrated on the last monday of May.
The day recognized also as the “unofficial” beginning of summer.
Every American should visit Arlington National Cemetery. I stood in awe. My eyes filled with tears. All the grave stones representing someone who made it possible for me to live a protected life.
Arlington was my second military cemetery. My first one 30 years ago. I was staying in Livonia, Italy. A small community near Anzio where the Allied troops landed during World War II.
A horrendous battle. Many died.
National cemeteries exist today where gallant men fell.
I was driving around with no particular place to go. Suddenly, I came upon what had to be a military cemetery. It was. It contained the remains of British military who died in the Anzio battles.
The cemetery was the first military one I had seen anywhere. Arlington came a good 30 years later.
I stopped and walked among the white grave stones representing who lay below.
I was first impressed with the preciseness by which the cemetery was laid out. Straight lines horizontally and vertically. Not one stone out of line. The grounds and shrubbery meticulously manicured.
Reading cemetery grave stones has been an historical activity for me for years. Wherever I am, I find time to stop at least at one.
The inscriptions at the Anzio Cemetery blew my mind!
First, most who died were young. Kids in many instances. Eighteen, nineteen and twenty. At 24, many were already majors.
My most difficult moment came when I found myself among grave stones which all contained the same description: “Known To God Alone.”
The national Democratic Party does not fight as its rival the Republican Party. Republicans wage war. Democrats pussy foot around believing Republicans lies, looking for bipartisanship, etc.
What’s the saying? Fight fire with fire!
Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives showed gumption this past week. They pulled a Mitch McConnell. Utilized the rules. Did the unexpected.
It was the last day of the session. All bills left to be passed had to be passed by midnight.
A quorum is needed before a vote can be taken.
The bill in question was intended to be the new Texas voting rights one. Considered the worst in the country when it comes to preserving and protecting voting rights.
The Democrats without fanfare walked out of the legislative chamber before the vote was to be taken. A quorum no longer existed. The bill would die an automatic death since not dealt with at the moment.
Not only did the Democrats walk out, they en mass went to New Mexico. The reason simple. The Governor has the power to have them arrested and returned to the State Legislature. Such an arrest is considered legal.
The reason the Democrats escaped to New Mexico is that the arrest power of the Texas governor does not extend in this instance over the Texas state line.
The Democratic win may be a short one. The Governor has called for a Special session. Not scheduled yet. Will the Democrats be able to walk out again?
One party walking out to avoid a quorum is not uncommon.
The most famous occurred in 1840 in the Illinois House of Representatives. Lincoln and his party were in the minority. The opposition was sure to vote for the bill. To avoid a quorum, Lincoln jumped out a first floor window.
More recent avoidance of a vote to preclude a quorum has occurred in Oregon, Indiana, and the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate one occurred in 1988. The Republicans did not have the necessary votes to block a bill. They played the lack of quorum game.
The Republican avoidance appears to have been a last minute thing. The Republicans were running all around the Capitol looking for places to hide. The Sergeant at Arms was looking for Republicans. His instructions were to arrest and return them to the Senate floor.
Senator Packwood tried to hide in his office. He was pushing one side of his office door to prevent it opening while Sergeant at Arms people were pushing from the other side.
Packwood was not giving up without a fight. They carried him onto the Senate floor feet first.
Yesterday’s blog spoke of the pillory. I would like to follow it up with a specific occurrence.
Men were generally the ones to be pilloried. A lady on occasion.
The most famous pilloried woman was Elizabeth Needham. Known also as Mother Needham.
Elizabeth was an English procuress and brothel keeper. In short, she ran a whore house. The most exclusive one in London. Her clientele were from the highest strata of fashionable society.
Elizabeth ran her brothel beginnig around 1710, ending in 1731.
In 1731, she ran afoul of moral reforms. Led by the wives of the most prominent men in London. Most Elizabeth’s customers, of course.
Her “well connected” customers had kept her protected for years.
She was tried and convicted. Her “friends” tried to protect her. They were powerless to prevent her arrest and trial. It would have meant separate bedrooms at home.
Her sentence was lenient. In spite of the fact her judge was an adamant reformer. He never the less had a soft spot in his heart for brothels. I suspect his friends must have drummed the hell out of him to go easy on Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was convicted of keeping a disorderly house. She was fined one shilling, sentenced to stand twice in the pillory, and to find sureties to speak for her good behavior for 3 years.
The pillorying was thought to be better than several years in jail. The overall sentence considered the work of her male friends continued harassing of the judge.
Her first pillorying was April 30, 1731.
Again because of the influence of her male clientele, she was allowed to lie face down in front of the pillory. A favor. Considered a “safe” approach to the pillorying. Her friends also paid guards to protect her during the pillorying.
Despite the protections, Elizabeth “received such a pillorying” from the very large crowd assembled that she died before her punishment was completed.
It is reported Trump is frustrated about his mounting legal fees. The probe into the Trump organization is heating up. Trump needs more attorneys.
Two interesting observations. Trump’s attorneys are advising him he won’t get indicted. I find it hard to believe he will not. Additionally, Trump announced he is not paying Giuliani’s legal bill. Trump claims he was unhappy with Giuliani’s services in the second impeachment trial.
An interesting afternoon of golf yesterday. The final round of the 2021 Charles Schwab Challenge. John Kokrak was a 2 stroke victor over Jordan Spieth.
I thought Spieth would win. He has been playing excellent golf the past couple of months. He failed to come through when needed yesterday, however.
The last 5-6 holes were tough for both players. Spieth coming from behind, then falling back to 3 strokes behind. It was obvious that Spieth was pushing to win. Such was his problem. He was quick to his shots and did not take his usual deliberate time before hitting.
As a result most of his shots were all over the place
Such is a professional golfer’s life. Calmness does not always prevail.
Money wise, Spieth did not come out badly finishing second. His check for second place $817,500. Kokrak’s for winning $1,350,000.
Stayed in again last night. The finals of the golf tournament and the selection of Memorial weekend movies in the final analysis appealed more.
Enjoy your day!
You rendered no service yourself. You are worthless and your opinion and thoughts are irrelevant.
Fred, your ignorance while attacking Lou, is laughable. But thanks anyway for bringing this up and reminding us about others, more important, who also did not serve, some even presidents of the United States, like DT who got a doctor to lie about him claiming bone spurs. Why did you choose to not point that out?
Because it’s not relevant, as they aren’t here running their mouths right now.
… just another Republican, Lou – expressing his christian sentiments. Ignore him.
^^^ just another non serving POS.
Fred got up on the wrong side of the bed and the losing side of American politics when he supported the newly former POStus.